Isn't Being Weird Normal?
Isn't being weird normal? I mean, if someone was normal, they'd be considered weird, but to be a little crazy is good. It helps you deal with the punches life throws. I'm going to go all "Cat Lady" on you and tell you about something that you could care less about that is going on in my life. Okay, yesterday I meet this new guy. He's cool, but totally normal. Sometimes I find that I act a little weirder around normal people because I feel that maybe they are afraid to be weird. I want them to become crazy because I love crazy people. Crazy people make my life interesting. I don't think I could ever date a normal person. I need someone who will want to walk to my house, which is far from school, in the rain, with no umbrellas. I want someone who doesn't care what people think about them and does the things they do, cause they feel like it. Sometimes we need to tell our brains to shut up and just listen to our hearts. Life isn't about calculating every step, because if you do, you'll miss life because your head is always pointed at the ground, counting. Life is supposed to be fun, you're supposed to break the rules every now and then. Otherwise in twenty years you'll wonder how you got so many wrinkles. The only wrinkles I want on my face are the ones I get from laughing. Laughing is, as they say, the best medicine. Who are WE to disagree with THEM? I don't think you truly know who you are. I think you know who you want to be and who people think you are, but deep down, you realize you're not you. I'm not me, I'll admit it. I put up a brave front, but sometimes you have to become emotional, you have to trust people. Sure, when you open up, you open up to pain and heartache, but you also open up to love and understanding, you just need to meet the right people. I know I don't know who the right person is, but when I meet them, I'll know. They'll be perfect. They'll walk home in the rain, laugh when I mix mayo with ketchup, and they'll be a little weird.
6 thoughts:
At 5:24 PM,
Gareth said…
i agree with some of the stuff you said about 'normal' people. although i dont believe there is such a thing as 'normal'. how can you define 'normal'?
but i agree with what you say if you change 'normal' to 'new' or 'serious'. when i meet new people i either act real shy and dont talk or just be completely weird. i just blurt out random stuff; its like a disease i swear!
i do take myself a little too seriously when im on my own so i spose you could say when i act weird i show off. just my way of getting stuff out of my system.
whoa, i was commenting on your post but got a little sidetracked by blabbering about myself, apologies for that!
At 5:47 PM,
Stezie said…
No prob. I love to hear about people. I'm a people person! You seem pretty cool so I'm not mad. I'd be pissed if you were a perv or something. YOu got im? It's kind of scary how much we have in common. Wow, that sounds very stalkerish! ANyway, I think I will change because I totally agree with your normal thing. THe only definition I can give u of the word normal is the dictionary one and I lost mine. I know, I lost that big book with all the words, I'm sorry. Anyway, thanks!
At 6:14 PM,
Gareth said…
yeah i have msn messenger. add me if you so wish.
my email is
i probably wont be on now as its 12:13am and i have school tomorrow.
me needy sleepy.
chat to you soon i hope, oh and feel free to leave comments in there bucketloads on my blog! do you mind if i link to your blog from mine on my 'side bar links part'?
At 10:59 AM,
Squish said…
'normal' can only be defined by opinion
thus 'normal' is undefineable unless each and everyone's opinion is taken
meh, I think I'm beginning to sound normal
*jumps around on a space hopper*
that's better
At 12:10 PM,
Stezie said…
Much better. *She says adjusting her jetback so that it no longer hurts her* Normal is as normal does *she laughs as she flies away from the computer*.
At 3:58 PM,
Iron Column Records said…
Hearing the spirit of youth reminds me never to let go of mine - thanks ;)
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