Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I'm gonna...

I'm gonna...
  1. fail chem
  2. fail math
  3. fail school
  4. drop out of school
  5. dye my hair pink
  6. be in this play called "my new heroin"
  7. break down (mentally)
  8. scream
  9. scream some more
  10. do some more of number nine
  11. go to work
  12. work
  13. work
  14. hopefully get together with heidi and do something this weekend
  15. work
  16. eat some ice cream
  17. eat junk food
  18. gain weight
  19. become really fat
  20. keep getting fat
  21. explode because i'm so fat
  22. exercise
  23. work
  24. die
  25. die once again for dramatic effect

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