Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Monday, April 25, 2005

I am loud.

I am loud.
Hear me roar.
Of course you can.
I am loud.

I have to work today, tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. I get this fake baby Friday, which will be really fun. I cannot wait!

Anita is having a BBQ on Saturday, so I am going to go to that. That'll be fun.

This person I know likes this friend I have and this little fact has created so much tension between the friend and this other friend that is obsessed with the person. lol. Anyone out there understand? Didn't think so.

My friend that ran away from home and attempted suicide last week just got out of the hospital. She'll be in school tomorrow! I cannot wait to see her. I miss her so much.

I am having all these mixed feelings about the sophomore I like. I really love talking to him online and on the phone, but it's so different in person. I think that I'm just so self-conscious and I have the tendency to think that people are judging me, or even more so, my weight.

I seem like the type of person who is comfortable with who they are, but I'm not. I'm this loud, annoying, usually mean, person because I don't like to show the real me. Recently...a month or so ago, I was starting to "get involved" with this guy I really liked. I showed him all the parts of me, told him everything, trusted him, and then he rejected me. The thing that sucks with that kind of rejection is knowing that the person rejected YOU, not some mask or front, they didn't like YOU. It's kind of hard to let people in after something like that happens.

I was so happy that I got my unknown in QUAL right! All the tests were inconclusive and I was so worried! I did get my unknown correct though. I was so happy, I started to cry a little. It was so funny that I started laughing really hard, which caused me to cry more.

My dad recently got orders to go to North Carolina for three years, so we thought we'd be moving this summer, but we aren't! He's going to try and get this humanitarian thing which delays orders for six months, and then that spot will be filled. I'd love to move to England. If he had gotten orders to England, I would have been really sad to be moving, but still thrilled. If my dad cannot get the humanitarian thing, then he is going to retire. I don't want him to retire because he loves his job.

I have so much homework and no time to do it with work. I am pulling my hair out. By next week, I will be bald.

I am mean. I need to stop that.

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