Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Monday, December 06, 2004


Swam today. The pool was freezing. Amanda and I kept joking about how we could float the best because we mastered our natural buoyancy. Swimming sucked. We had to do these stupid workouts and the worst was treading water for five minutes. The thing that added to the humility of swimming was the fact that those people who forgot about swimming, were walking around the pool, watching us.

I have been in a great mood all day. Maybe it's the fact that my chemistry test, no matter how good or bad it was, was in the average grade range. Go me!

Learned something important in Spanish today. I know how to say I am right-in Spanish. Now if I could only learn "you're wrong, you are always wrong, get over it and move on you moronic person!", I'd be set to go to Mexico, or some other Spanish speaking place.

My birthday is on Sat.! I cannot wait. Some friends and I are going to go out on Fri. to celebrate and we are going to...I don't know, they won't tell me, but I am excited. Lots of people keep asking me what I want and I just tell them that all I'd ever want from them is all the love in their heart...and possibly chocolate! Carly said she's getting me food of some sort (my friends know me so well).

Talked to mom about changing schools and she's given me the okay. I have to finish out my sophomore year though. Ugh. Oh well. She said that way things could get better. I am going to go through the rest of the year as positively as I can, but knowing that I am leaving at the end! I cannot move in with my grandma though. I chose to look at the positive of not living with her and the positive side is I don't have to go to church more days out of the week than not.

Day has gone well. I have floated through most of my classes. I may not have expressed it in past posts, but I had a great weekend. Mostly because I was online talking to friends the entire time. I think that this one "person" is mad at me because they kept, all of a sudden, having to go. Again, as I always say, oh well. Screw them. Ha. Reminds me of a funny story. Also reminds me that life is ironic.

I leave you with that. Life is ironic. It is part of the beauty of life. It's what keeps us laughing; irony.

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