Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Friday, March 25, 2005

What's the use?

What is the use? I am fat. I will never get any skinnier no matter how much I diet or exercise. I am such a huge cow and I need to lose weight. If I was skinnier, I'd be happier. I can't control my life as much as I'd like and I think that if I was skinny, I could focus on more important things. I have rolls, gross, fat, disgusting rolls. They need to die. I wish I could just wake up skinny. I wish I could be one of those people who can eat everything and not gain a pound. I wish I was skinny because then I'd be happy. I need to loose this weight. I should go onto one of those extreme make-over shows so that I can just get it lipo-ed away. I know I'll never be a size four because my hips are way too huge and my bones have grown, but I'd love to be two to four sizes smaller when it comes to pants and a size smaller shirt. I'd say more than a size smaller in the shirt area, but hey!, I'm a girl and I got boobs! I just need to be smaller. If I was skinny, I'd exercise more and eat right to stay that way. If only, if only...

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