Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Friday, June 17, 2005


got to go soon. going to va, mn this weekend for loon fest. gonna buy lots of shit i don't really need. made me hate myself in an attempt to be nice. she does that a lot. she bought me these shorts, which is the one article of clothing i loate wearing, and she bought them a little small. she's like "oh, you'll loose the weight!" and i asked her "what if i don't?" and she just goes "oh sara" and shakes her head.

my car is in the "shop" right now. i thought it was sounding funny and it turns out i was right. it's going to end up costing me $900. that sucks. i have to help pay for a huge chunk of it. i hope they don't have to go into my trunk for nething...i have so much crap in there. i just thought it'd be a routine check-up so i didn't bother to clean the trunk. deary me. the trunk is completely filled. i really, really hope they don't have to go in the trunk! it's embarassing thinking about it.

got to go cash my paycheck and give it to my parents. $300 down the drain. ugh!

don't look at me like that.

1 thoughts:

  • At 6:20 PM, Blogger pink_blackbutterfly said…

    Have fun in VA! lol that's where I just moved to go to college. Damn sorry about your car. I've had something like that happen.... more than once! oh dear. you should see me trunk! lol
    oh & thanks about the tattoo!


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