Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

150 random things about me.

  1. i'm a vegetarian. over two years now!
  2. i like random things.
  3. i like my body most of the time.
  4. i love getting compliments on my shoes from payless.
  5. dirty dancing is my favorite movie. i own it on dvd and vhs.
  6. i never went to camp. i started to want to go in 8th grade.
  7. i love to sew and create things.
  8. i wanted to be a professional singer in 3rd grade. who was allowed to dance on stage.
  9. i love playing video games. i've tried to stop, but they keep coming out with good ones!
  10. i hate the whole idea of a best friend.
  11. i like being single although i like the idea of a boyfriend.
  12. subway is my favorite fast food place.
  13. italian and mexican food are my favorite genres of food.
  14. i was bulimic for a week to show myself no one would notice or care.
  15. i like my job. i don't know why. it stresses me out. let me re-phrase this. i like the people i work with.
  16. i want two turtles so i can name them alfonso and alfredo.
  17. i get my braces off on the 25th of august.
  18. i'll be a junior next year!
  19. i can't fall asleep unless a tv is on or some other soft noise.
  20. i like to laugh. the "i'm gonna wet myself" laugh.
  21. i like reciting lines from napleon dynamite even though i don't like the movie.
  22. i like george w. bush.
  23. i love angelina joile. she is so hot! i'd become a lesbian for her and her only!
  24. i always end up falling for dorks. i love dorky guys.
  25. i took a shower this morning and ponder global warming.
  26. i get jealous very easily.
  27. i've worn shorts three times this summer. it's the first time i've worn shorts in public since the beginning of 7th grade!
  28. i am a fan of country music. it's not hill billy like like many people believe.
  29. i got in this fender bender where a guy backed into my car this past year and my life didn't flash before my eyes. i was mad.
  30. i don't have a house phone. my family only has cell phones.
  31. 17. that's the number of underage people i let into R movies today.
  32. i love doing random things.
  33. i think brad pitt isn't a very good actor.
  34. i have to have something around my wrist or i feel naked.
  35. i want to save someone's life before i die.
  36. i've swam with sharks before. i had to have a lifeguard get me because i was really scared and refused to move off this huge coral thing.
  37. my favorite vegetable is aspargus.
  38. i didn't know how to spell Joseph until this year.
  39. sometimes i crave a pepsi. i'm usually more of a coke girl.
  40. i don't know how to dive.
  41. i can't blow bubbles with my gum.
  42. i don't know how to whistle.
  43. slide is my favorite song.
  44. i weighed 64 pounds in 4th grade.
  45. i love ice cream. and any other dessert. my aunt always says it slips in and fills the cracks.
  46. i love to cook.
  47. i've been paid for being in a play.
  48. i've never smoked a cigarette though i was tempted once.
  49. i've never had a drink of alcohol even though i've been to a drinking party.
  50. virgin! and proud of it!
  51. my first concert was backstreet boys.
  52. my last concert was barenaked ladies. i didn't even know who they were.
  53. actually, my last concert was incubus. i liked half of it.
  54. i spent most of the incubus concert talking with this guy will, who i didn't really like until that night.
  55. i love pick-up lines.
  56. i know i don't have a fantastic singing voice but it doesn't keep me from belting it in my car when i'm alone...or with select friends.
  57. i believe the speed limit should be raised from 25 to 30. everyone drives 30. except the old people who dirve 20...then they'll increase to the old speed limit.
  58. i love old people. they don't scare me like they do a lot of people.
  59. clowns are alright. i'm not a huge fan of the horror movie ones, but the normal ones are alright.
  60. i love to drive.
  61. raisin bran is my favorite cereal.
  62. my chemistry teacher thought i was pregnant.
  63. i'm not as smart as some people think.
  64. my vision is a lil impared. i wear glasses when i'm driving alone or at home. also at school to see the over-head.
  65. i have a lot of friends. sometimes it's hard because some hate the others.
  66. i've cried to get out of a speeding ticket.
  67. part of me wants to be a home maker. the other part is all for starting a business or something.
  68. i love coffee. a lot. too much.
  69. i only like granny smith apples.
  70. i work at a movie theater and after more than 7 months, i still like the popcorn.
  71. i attempted to commit suicide when i was in middle school. twice.
  72. i lie. a lot. too much.
  73. i love getting phone calls. it's nice to know someone thought of you.
  74. walmart is really fun when you're with the right people.
  75. i ruin friendships. the ones where i'm a part of it. i destroy them. i don't do it on purpose.
  76. i tend to repeat things.
  77. i tend to repeat things.
  78. my friend heidi helped save me. if it wasn't for her, i would have lost a lot of the character i pride myself on now.
  79. the reason i don't gave to peer pressure is because i can't bare the tought of disappointed my parents or turning out like my brother.
  80. i love cheese. it's one of my favorite foods.
  81. soup is one of my favorite foods. my second favorite.
  82. subs are my favorite food.
  83. i feel lonely a lot.
  84. i want to buy a car. it wouldn't be as nice as the one i have now, but i would have paid for it.
  85. i'm taking a month off from work.
  86. i wrote a song for my best friend in 3rd grade when she moved away. my uncle who's in a band helped me and played guitar and sang on the cassette. i never gave it to her.
  87. i try and find friends i had in elementary school.
  88. i wanted a tattoo to be different, then realized everyone had one, so i changed my mind.
  89. i love nick@nite.
  90. i have this scar on my leg from where a glass window shattered and hit it. it's small, but there.
  91. i have this strange mark on my foot from where the clothes iron fell on it when my brother and i were playing and i knocked it over. it looks like this.
  92. i get in this "remember when" mood and draw in coloring books.
  93. the last person i asked out, wasn't interested. they gave excuses. i wish they'd just said something like "you're too good of a friend".
  94. i love to learn new things.
  95. i'm taking automotives my senior year so i understand my car.
  96. my first car was a '90 red toyota wagon. it was so ugly. i loved it!
  97. i haven't read the newest harry potter.
  98. i love cheesy romance novels and movies.
  99. when i was in 7th grade my neighborhood kids made a leaf fort on my berm. it was around four feet tall and had multiple rooms. the leaf man took it away and i cried.
  100. i don't like to take medicine like pain killers. i don't like the idea of it inside me killing things. i tell myself if i can't deal with it, what's childbirth gonna do to me?
  101. i will not take tylenol after my brother took a bottle to try and kill himself.
  102. i can fall asleep anywhere.
  103. my grandma calls me fat or some other word meaning the same, at least twice everytime i see her.
  104. i want to be famous.
  105. i don't know what i want to major in or become when i grow up.
  106. i have trouble leaving friends behind.
  107. i am obsessive.
  108. i'm not athletic.
  109. i like to climb trees.
  110. i want children. i want anywhere from 2-4. i love kids.
  111. my current friends are my life line. when i feel like i'm drowning they're always there with something encouraging.
  112. i was going to eat meat once at school, but the line i was in ran out. the person in front of me got the last turkey taco thing. i think it was a sign.
  113. i talk in my sleep.
  114. i've been known to sing in my sleep.
  115. i love to jet-ski and go tubeing.
  116. i'm slowly getting over my fear of spiders.
  117. i don't hate anyone. i dislike with a passion.
  118. i almost drowned at one of my birthday parties. i thought God saved me. it was my neighbor steve.
  119. when i was in 1st grade i fell in love with this guy named patrick. he had a girlfriend named ashley. they had quarter machine rings.
  120. i miss elementary school. 3rd grade and under.
  121. my uncle taught me how to shoot when i was in 4th grade. we shot cans in the woods. i haven't fired a gun since.
  122. i like the act of fishing. i like to sit on the dock with my unbaited line in the water.
  123. i'm scared of commitment.
  124. i'm a huge flirt. i don't really know how to stop.
  125. i am a huge patriot. it has to do with having a father in the military.
  126. i love quotes. once i went over to my friend Jessie's and while she cooked, i read quotes and had her guess the author.
  127. all the guys i've "dated" i don't consider official.
  128. duct tape is over-rated in my opinion.
  129. i have a birthmark on my face and though faded, people still ask what happened. it looks like someone stuck a cigarette to my face.
  130. i can out-eat most people.
  131. i love the rain.
  132. i love when it's cloudy outside.
  133. i wish i was as smart as most of my friends. sometimes it's like their speaking another language called chemistry.
  134. i'm in regular math.
  135. i got an incomplete on my report card in 7th grade.
  136. when my dad goes overseas i make him tell me where he's going even though he's not supposed to. that way i can watch and check on how things are going in that country.
  137. i'm against abortion except in rape and incest.
  138. i love to read.
  139. i've never had a manicure. or a pedicure. i may get a manicure soon though.
  140. i was hit in the head 4 times in gym in one day.
  141. i've faked being sick to get out of swimming in gym.
  142. i love the color white. it's my current favorite color.
  143. i think michael jackson is misunderstood.
  144. i think the whole Arnold being governor of CA is crazy. what next? Madonna for prez?
  145. my eyes change colors.
  146. i have a knack for saying the wrong thing.
  147. i speak before i think.
  148. i'm stubborn and have too much pride.
  149. in 3rd grade i tackled my crush and kissed him.
  150. i can be shy.

4 thoughts:

  • At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I heart that entry. (i would vote for Madonna) lol <3 ya

  • At 6:11 AM, Blogger Omni said…

    I love dorky guys too-I'm married to one!! :-)

  • At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love you so much sara! you're awesome! I really liked that entry..

  • At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great Entry!
    I love you, too, Sara. Don't ever forget it!


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