Welcome to my life
Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan describes my life so much. The first time I heard it I was so shocked. If my life was a movie, this would be the main song.
I always feel like people are fake and that I am. I am not really me. I know that sounds strange, but it is true. I don't think anyone is 100% true to themselves. I know I'm not. I am a people person, so I try to make people laugh and try to please everyone. I hate it. I feel so fake sometimes. Sometimes I just want to scream!
I am in a bad mood right now. I was in a good mood earlier, but I got home and it just dropped off. I think I pretend to be the wrong person. I wish I knew that type of person I was. I think I am less sarcastic, smarter, thinner, and outgoing. People think I am outgoing, but I am really shy. I act all crazy, but that's a cover-up. No one sees the real, emotional me.
I have that problem. I never really tell people how I feel because I'm afraid they'll laugh. I am so afraid to open up. I never talk about my feelings. If I feel like crap I hold it in and then I go home and run on my treadmill. Or I'll go outside on our big swing and just stare into space. It makes my problems seem so small and unimportant.
When all else fails I sleep. I need tons of beauty sleep, lol. That's about all I have to say. And I love this song-Welcome to my Life.
I always feel like people are fake and that I am. I am not really me. I know that sounds strange, but it is true. I don't think anyone is 100% true to themselves. I know I'm not. I am a people person, so I try to make people laugh and try to please everyone. I hate it. I feel so fake sometimes. Sometimes I just want to scream!
I am in a bad mood right now. I was in a good mood earlier, but I got home and it just dropped off. I think I pretend to be the wrong person. I wish I knew that type of person I was. I think I am less sarcastic, smarter, thinner, and outgoing. People think I am outgoing, but I am really shy. I act all crazy, but that's a cover-up. No one sees the real, emotional me.
I have that problem. I never really tell people how I feel because I'm afraid they'll laugh. I am so afraid to open up. I never talk about my feelings. If I feel like crap I hold it in and then I go home and run on my treadmill. Or I'll go outside on our big swing and just stare into space. It makes my problems seem so small and unimportant.
When all else fails I sleep. I need tons of beauty sleep, lol. That's about all I have to say. And I love this song-Welcome to my Life.
6 thoughts:
At 5:31 PM,
Gareth said…
feel like that alot. i never have 'opened' up to someone for fear of being ridiculed and how theyd react.
ive not heard that song but simple plan suck balls!
At 5:43 PM,
Stezie said…
I always say that Simple Plan is a poor mans Good Charlotte. But I love the song.
At 5:43 PM,
Stezie said…
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At 12:05 AM,
lil-miss-vixen said…
hey! thanks for reading my blog. i know what you mean by the way you feel and how you always hide your emotions. i guess we have to deal with things and our feelings whatever way we can. its hard to let everything out in the open. but hey you're not alone. at all.
At 5:03 AM,
Gareth said…
'poor mans good charlotte'?
but gc are the sucky as well!
At 1:10 PM,
Stezie said…
They are a whole lot better than Simple Plan. You have to admit this!
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