Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Friday, July 01, 2005

i'm normal, i swear.

had to return a movie for grandmother that was overdue. since it was overdue, i had to run inside and pay this charge. the guy asks for my phone number, to check it in, and i just tell him i have no idea. so he gets the last name and finds it that way. then he says it's not much more than a dollar so "don't worry about it". i get back into our van and tell my mom who says "he must think you're cute", and me, believing what i always do (that no random person can find another attractive) tell her no and say that he must have thought i was mentally handicapped because i didn't know the phone number, which he must have assumed to be mine.

i guess when we went to the grocery store some people did a double take. i think it was the combo of my hair and the shirt i'm wearing. it's my "fur is dead" shirt from peta, so the whole picture of me may have caused a couple people to do double takes. it's weird because i used to always go into the grocery store with my grandmother and get no attention, but from people she knew. it's amazing the impact a color of hair and a shirt will do for ya.

more later.

1 thoughts:

  • At 4:55 PM, Blogger Omni said…

    If you dare to be different, more power to you!! :-)


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