Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


my mother has an obsession with the actual item. she loves all kinds of cakes. when she isn't dieting, the wonderful but rare occasions, we always have a cake in the house.

i also have an obsession with cake. this cake is different. this cake sings me to sleep and speaks to me on a difficult day. i heard cake on the radio the other day, i was surprised.

the following is a song by cake:

People you love
Will turn their backs on you
You'll lose your hair
Your teeth
Your knife will fall out of its sheath
But you still don't like to leave before the end of the movie
People you hate will get their hooks into you
They'll pull you down
You'll frown
They'll tar you and drag you through town
But you still don't like to leave before the end of the movie
No you still don't like to leave before the end of the show
People you hate will get their hooks into you
They'll pull you down
You'll frown
They'll tar you and drag you through town
But you still don't like to leave before the end of the movie
No you still don't like to leave before the end of the show

college books, not to expensive. high end of 267, and that's if i can only get new books. if i get all the used ones i wanted, i may be able to get out for only 200. college, college, college. excitment fills me like it never has. i wasn't excited for high school like a bunch of people, i knew it was just another school. i see college as my future, my career, my life. oh, the pressure. i miss learning. by the time i enter college, i'll have been out of school for...8 months...dear, that can't be right but it is. wow. what have i been doing with my time.

still have not seen the new harry potter movie. the geek inside of me screams out. the 7th and final book comes out on saturday. oh, happy day. the geek inside of me may die from excitment.

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