Funerals suck
It seems like half of the school is gone. Like every third person I know or kind of know has gone to Jon's funeral which is at the church next to our school. I am pissed off because some people got permission to go just to skip school. I wanted to go, but I really didn't know him so I thought it'd be unfair of me to take the place of someone who was really good friends with him.
Everyone is saying that he doesn't look like himself. Everyone is crying and hugging each other. It is really sad. I hate funerals, it doesn't matter if I barely know the person or they are my best friend. Why do people kill themselves.
They think that around 700 people went to the funeral. 700 people. He affected that many people. It's amazing. I know lots of people who wanted to go but couldn't get permission from their parents or didn't want to take up some of his friends spots. I still can't get over it. He's dead.
Everyone is saying that he doesn't look like himself. Everyone is crying and hugging each other. It is really sad. I hate funerals, it doesn't matter if I barely know the person or they are my best friend. Why do people kill themselves.
They think that around 700 people went to the funeral. 700 people. He affected that many people. It's amazing. I know lots of people who wanted to go but couldn't get permission from their parents or didn't want to take up some of his friends spots. I still can't get over it. He's dead.
1 thoughts:
At 7:43 PM,
Caroline said…
Hey, you posted on my journal the other day, so I was reading some of yours.
It sucks about the guy that committed suicide at your school. Most of the people I knew in high school that died, died in car wrecks. I graduated in 1998, and the year after I graduated, this girl I'd been in band with and her boyfriend killed themselves together in one of the bathrooms at school, right across the hall from where my locker had been. The girl was beautiful, and my best friend had dated her when we were seniors and she was a sophomore. He knew the guy she was dating at the time was bad news, and my friend had thought about calling the night before it happened to talk about getting back together with her. To this day he cannot talk about it.
I can't tell you anything that will make you feel any better. But I can tell you that you're right; you need to get anyone who feel suicidal some help. And it's okay for you to be shaken up because of Jon's death even though you didn't know him. Suicides are wierd, and impossible to understand because the person is no longer around to explain exactly what kind of pain they were in. It sucks to be a teenager, and nobody can understand what it's like-- it wasn't that long ago that I was one, and I've already forgotten. But you have to trust that things will get better as you grow. That would be the best advice I could give a suicidal teenager, and I was one of those at one time. I'm not implying that you're one, 'cause you don't sound like it. I'm just saying that because you talked about your friend. You said that she will be really serious about death when she's in one mood, but then she'll blow it off when you talk about it could be that she's embarrassed about it. Be sensitive to that if you decide to get adults involved. And cutting is NEVER okay. It is a cry for help, and it means that that person is begging for some kind of attention in a MAJOR way and not getting it. I can't imagine someone's parents' knowing about that and not doing anything. My high school sweetheart was into that, though he didn't tell me about it until he was better. But later on, he started it again when things got bad between us. I don't think self-mutilation can go away completely without counseling.
You've got the toughest time in the world to be a teenager...the world is way different than when I was one, and that was only just over 6 years ago. But you've got a cool place to vent, and you express yourself really well. Thanks for letting me read, and keep being strong.
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