Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Friday, October 15, 2004


I am in such a crappy mood. Besides feeling invisible I feel lonely today. Homecoming is tomorrow and some friends and I are going out before homecoming and some friends of mine want me to go out after, I am not sure what to do. Another friend of mine wants me to go out drinking with her and I know I'm not going to do that. I don't understand why people smoke and drink underage, it is so stupid.

The reason I am in a crappy mood is a reason that millions of people all over the world can relate to. I will put a few quotes in here to lead you to the reason for I do not feel like saying it.

  1. How can you be so blind?
  2. You're a stupid boy (substitute girl if you are male)
  3. She (substitute) isn't right for you.
  4. She (substitute) doesn't feel the way I do.
  5. She (substitute) doesn't like you you blind, stupid, heartless person!

Okay, I feel a little better. I am still going to homecoming. Though I am actually dreading it. Life is funny like that. I can't wait to go and see people flirting and dancing with people they shouldn't be flirting and dancing with.

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