Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Saturday, October 23, 2004


I was supposed to go to this lock-in, church thing, at Rachel's church, but I felt like laying on the couch so when she called me I told her I was sick. I am really mean like that, but I would have been a pain in the ass if I had gone.

I went to two thrift stores today. They smell funny. I have this box full of winter clothes, food, and other things people need in the trunk of my car in case I come across a homeless person, and I need some extra sweatshirts and stuff. I don't want to diss people who buy stuff from thrift stores, but they make me feel really unclean. People really need to wash their stuff before donating it.

I went out to eat both today and yesterday. The result? Feeling like a cow. Ran into Laura because she worked at one of the restaurants I went to and therefore she caused me to eat much less than I normally would. Why does everyone my age have or want a job. We have our whole lives to work people.

Final Thought: I have lied so much to friends, I no longer feel guilty. This is not a good quality to posses.

1 thoughts:

  • At 5:33 PM, Blogger Rick said…

    lying isnt good.

    I think its really cool giving out stuff to homeless people. Giving clothes and food is much better than money.

    I would do this... but, alas, i do not own a car.

    Good Job Sara!!!


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