What is this feeling...pride?
I am so proud right now. I am afraid that my face will be sore tomorrow because I am smiling so much. I believe that I did absolutely fantastic on the second part of my Chemistry test, which I took today, and even though it is only 25% of the entire test, I feel so proud. I just hope I did as well as I thought I did!
Why is it that when you are trying to move on and forget your feelings about someone that they appear everywhere? It is the world's cruel way of making you hold on to your feelings when you are doing your best to let go. It sucks. I find that I laugh and talk more to other people when this person is around. I guess I am trying to forget that they are there and tell myself that I am perfectly happy without them-I'm not. I'm starting to become withdrawn. I need chocolate when I have withdrawals. Hopefully I'll have some tonight.
This was a short week, so I have a long weekend. What a weekend I have planned!
I am going to sleep over at my friends Maggie's house today (Wed)with 8 other people. She rented all these chick flicks and bought junk food, so it'll be great. I need some new gossip.
Thursday...I have nothing planned-CALL ME!
Friday, one of my other good friends, Rachel, is having a lock-in at her church. I went last year and it was really fun-even though some person ruined part of it for me, I'm over it-and I cannot wait to go. I'm not sure who else is going, but it should be awesome.
Saturday-Plan on going to the movies when this free movie thing I stole from Rick. Not sure what movie or who I'm going with. Might ask...idk, maybe Jamie. I am going to go with somebody though.
Sunday-Sleep in. Do homework. Wonder why I am so exhausted. Hate life. Fall asleep early. Go to school the next day.
I am still in school and the bell is going to ring, so I got to go.
Final Thought- Wonder if I'll have time to post this weekend?
Why is it that when you are trying to move on and forget your feelings about someone that they appear everywhere? It is the world's cruel way of making you hold on to your feelings when you are doing your best to let go. It sucks. I find that I laugh and talk more to other people when this person is around. I guess I am trying to forget that they are there and tell myself that I am perfectly happy without them-I'm not. I'm starting to become withdrawn. I need chocolate when I have withdrawals. Hopefully I'll have some tonight.
This was a short week, so I have a long weekend. What a weekend I have planned!
I am going to sleep over at my friends Maggie's house today (Wed)with 8 other people. She rented all these chick flicks and bought junk food, so it'll be great. I need some new gossip.
Thursday...I have nothing planned-CALL ME!
Friday, one of my other good friends, Rachel, is having a lock-in at her church. I went last year and it was really fun-even though some person ruined part of it for me, I'm over it-and I cannot wait to go. I'm not sure who else is going, but it should be awesome.
Saturday-Plan on going to the movies when this free movie thing I stole from Rick. Not sure what movie or who I'm going with. Might ask...idk, maybe Jamie. I am going to go with somebody though.
Sunday-Sleep in. Do homework. Wonder why I am so exhausted. Hate life. Fall asleep early. Go to school the next day.
I am still in school and the bell is going to ring, so I got to go.
Final Thought- Wonder if I'll have time to post this weekend?
2 thoughts:
At 10:08 PM,
Rick said…
you better have time to post this weekend! Or I will start crying... and move into the corner... and gouge out my eyeballs.... and still cry... even though I have no eyes.....
At 2:26 PM,
Stezie said…
lol, don't u do that neway Rick?
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