Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I would have stayed home and recovered from my crash, but we had testing at school. I didn't finish the math or science sections so when I get the results, I am going to be as smart as an idiot.

Had a free day in chemistry. Figured out everyone's lunch numbers, this is what are grades are posted under. How?, you ask. Well, he accidently put them up alphabetically and I knew this because my friends were like the first three in the alphabet, and on the list, and I knew the last kid. So now I hold all the power. I feel so strong. Everyone in that class better be nice to me or else. (Insert evil laugh here) I know, I have no life.

Like I said, I am slowly climbing up to the emotions of a normal person. This morning I was in the lowest stage, the bitch. Told one of my friends her sweater was ugly, it was, but I never say that, and that it looked like it was made by orphan kids. Told another friends to fuck off and burn in hell.

By the end of testing I felt bitter. I glared at everyone and pretended to study Chemistry.

Felt pretty good in Chem. Now that I hold the power, life is good. Also helped Danika with her spanish soap opera. lol, it's really funny.

More later.

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