Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

in shackles.

People always ask how your relationship with your mother is in movies. It's what they seem to say no matter if you are scared of spiders, suicidal, or just frustrated with your job. They are so quick to blame your mother and until recently, I thought it was a crock of shit and they needed to go back and re-test for their degree.

Parents, not just mothers, ruin lives. They set standards that are too high for their children to achieve. They claim that they love you and they just want the best for you, yet they are only looking out for themselves.

Some students get straight A's. Some kids don't. If you are one of those kid's that doesn't excel in academics and your parent did, it can be very disheartening to come home with a B on a chemistry test that you studied so hard for, and the only response you get is "you'll do better next time dear".

Sometimes the parent didn't do well at much and they are pushing you so you don't end up right where they are; unhappy. Let's say your parent slide by in High School, barely made in through College, and is now working for a big office. Some people want to be in that office, but your parent had other plans. They wanted to travel, to influence people, to save lives. And there they are, sitting at a desk, doing a job. They don't want that for you. So they push you. They make you studied more in one night than they did their entire time in High School. They make you get a job to save money when they just mooched from their parents. They want you to do great things, so they push, and push, and don't stop to think what you want.

Don't get me wrong. Parents being involved in your life is a great thing. Everyone needs someone in their corner. Sometimes you want to go in your own though. Sometimes you want to walk down a different path.

We live in a society where the next girl is always thinner. The next person is always better looking. Being average isn't enough. You need to excel. Some people's parents don't tell their children that they are beautiful the way they are and that not everyone can be a size 0. Some parent's make it worse.

Watching TV you see these beautiful, thin, intelligent models and when your parent tells you that you need to loose weight, it's not just them. It's like the World is telling you that you aren't good enough.

Then these girls start to diet and they start loosing weight. And their parent is there, cheering them on, rooting for them. And it seems like they care. That they love you and for once they approve. These girls start thinking, "if they act this way when I loose 5 pounds, what about 10? 15?", and they develop eating disorders.

Don't get me wrong, not all girls with eating disorders have "inattentive" parents. Not all children who ace class have a parent their, pressuring them. But some kids do.

These parents need to think of their children. Give them encouragement whether they are 10 pounds over-weight and not dieting or 10 pounds over-weight and dieting. Parents need to love and be involved with their child's life through the good and the bad. The normal day and the dieting day. Parents need to realize that perfection is a myth. After all, they weren't perfect, how can they expect their child to be?


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