Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Monday, July 04, 2005


woke up with a jump. thought it was later than it was.

went to war of the worlds with erin. it was good. not the type of movie erin goes for though. i liked it. i liked it because growing up with my brother and dad, they taught me which movies are "good" and which aren't. i don't agree with the aren'ts, but the ones that are, are. lol. jibberish.

went to this weird fair/event thing downtown. disappointing. one girl almost went into the river. hard to explain without drawings. maybe i'll draw it later.

went to work. got to cashier because fairy couldn't find someone to watch her daughter. i read the current(?) rolling stone cover to cover. awesome article about people in college and their religions and choice to abstain until marriage. also an interesting one about this creepy cult. lots of orgies and incest. it was really strange and creeped me out. couldn't put it down though.

got off at a nice time. caught about five minutes of the fire works. i almost forgot it was the fourth. we take this country for granted. war of the worlds puts this into

people do take our freedom for granted. it pisses me off so much. i'm also quite irratated with the whole "legal fireworks" shit. why? no point. at all. put to annoy me. and blow people's hands off.

unsinkable ships, sink. unbreakable walls, break.

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