Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Friday, July 15, 2005


i hate my shoulders sooo much! i want to take a knife and just scrape that skin off, gross, ik. it hurts so much. it looks like i just have glumps of some clear gel on me. i can't wear a bra with straps and i keep on changing halter tops. so i have to work in about half an hour and that means a real shirt, which'll suck. i hope that he'll let me off early so that i don't have to suffer too much.

tonight i am doing something that i shouldn't be. not anything illegal. just got invited to do something with this guy my friend likes. i tried to say no and explain i ended up canceling my plans for tonight, harry potter party, because i really don't want to move more than i have to. so he threatens to come pick me up and i tell him he doesn't know where i live, but does that stop him? no. he looks it up. so i may end up hanging out with him. don't want to. i'm going to call and tell him i'm sick. yeah...that'll work.

little pieces of the nothing that fall.

1 thoughts:

  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger Omni said…

    I hope you can have some fun despite the pain... that sounds like a horrible burn!!


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