Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Friday, October 29, 2004

McD's and hey, I say McD's a lot

Decided to go to the FCCLA bowling thing, except the bowling alley was closed so the four of us that showed up, and Mrs. Winkler, went to McDonald's. I have discovered that only the grossest guys go to McDonald's after 10:00. We were so scared of this one uni-brow guy, but that's another story.

I had the usual, french fries with a side of french fries. Since I'm so cheap, I just got a cup for water as my drink.

I love the FCCLA people. We talked about everything. I swear to...goodness? Anyway, it is always so funny when we get together. We are really loud. We didn't leave McD's until like 11:10 and after that Kayla and I went to Leann's house for a bit. Leann is so funny. So is Kayla now that I think about it.

I would have written better, more interesting, longer things if I wasn't so hyper yet tired. I am going to do 2 final thoughts because I forgot on my last one.

  1. Final Thoughts: Election day is coming up, show your patriotism! That goes for voting and asking people out...
  2. I think that the combination of french fries and friends gives me the same effect drinking would. I feel lightheaded...

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