Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I love the free movie part of working at the movie theater. I'm going to go see The Longest Yard later today. I can't wait. Someone said it sucked, but I can't think of anyone I'd rather go to a movie that blows, with. It's going to be great fun. I'm so excited! AH!

been awhile...

NAME- Sara
BiRTHDAY- December 11
SEX- Female
WHERE ARE Y0U?- in my basement
NATi0NALiTY- lots of things...

LAUGHED REALLY HARD? was really funny too
CRiED? yep, at Star Wars, lol
T0LD A LiE? probably
BEEN T0LD A LiE? who knows
WENT SH0PPiNG? online
G0TTEN SiCK? nope
USED C0NSTRUCTiON PAPER? i can't remember the last time i did. i should use some.

i L0VE...cheese
iF S0ME0NE GAVE ME A MiLLi0N D0LLARS i W0ULD: buy you a fur coat, but not a real fur coat that's cruel.
i HATE...frizzy hair, how mine looks today
DUCKS ARE.. ducky
SP0NGE B0B iS.. is one word

H0W Y0U L00K
ARE Y0U SH0RT 0R TALL? medium
WHAT C0L0R iS Y0U HAiR? brown
WHAT C0L0R EYES D0 Y0U HAVE? no idea
D0 Y0U WEAR GLASSES 0R C0NTACTS? glasses, but not all the time
D0 Y0U THiNK Y0UR ATTRACTiVE? find me one person who finds themself attractive
WHAT C0L0R D0 Y0U THiNK L00KS BEST 0N Y0U? green

WHAT GR0UP ARE Y0U iN? one with people...we're all so different from each other, can't use one label
H0W DiD Y0U GET iNT0 THAT GR0UP? got into a fight/argument thing with my other group of friends
WH0S Y0UR BEST FRiEND(S)? don't have one
WHAT D0 PE0PLE LABEL Y0U AS? a strange person

WHAT SH0ES DiD Y0U WEAR T0DAY? my black and white fake shoes...hard to explain
WHAT CL0THES DiD Y0U WEAR? jeans and my oh deer shirt
WHAT DiD Y0U D0? summer school
WHAT ARE Y0U G0iNG T0 D0 N0W? finish typing this

WHAT ARE 0N Y0UR WRiSTS(BRACELETS, WATCHES)? Right-pink bracelet that says FAITH
H0W iS iT 0UTSiDE RiGHT N0W? gonna rain
WHAT TiME is it? 2:07 p.m
What are you listening to now?: the dryer

10 random things u like!
[10] Smiling
[9] laughing
[8] making people laugh
[7] making things
[6] Dancing
[5] Talking
[4] writing
[3] friends
[2] Rain
[1] people i work with

9 things u DON'T like
[9] work, the actual work part
[8] over-eating
[7] Cats
[6] swim suits
[5] being afraid
[4] smoking
[3] drinking
[2] teenage drivers, myself excluded
[1] tardiness

8 places where you've slept before
[8] my bed
[7] the floor
[6] the couch
[5] outside
[4] jessie's couch, lol
[3] work, this wonderfully old couch, oh! it felt so nice!
[2] car
[1] school

7 places you would like to visit
[7] NYC
[6] the four corners
[5] go back to TX
[4] Oregon, who's been to Oregon?
[3] Yukon
[2] YEMEN!!! (9th grade summer school!!)
[1] Plain Brown Wrapper, lol Miranda

6 things you regret doing
[6] not going to my grandpa's funeral because i was too young
[5] going to that party
[4] not being there for my brother
[3] treating others like shit
[2] hurting those i love
[1] going out until 5am, and getting that call from my parents

5 of your closest friends
[5] Georgia
[4] Heidi, even though we aren't as close
[3] Erin
[2] Shannon
[1] Katie

4 things u wanna do before u die
[4] write a story, finish it i should say
[3] fall in love, the his and her towel kind, the one that after 50 years of marriage, you still get butterflies when you see them smile at you
[2] be happy with myself
[1] make my mom proud of something i do for once

3 people u wanna meet before you die
[3] Frank Oz
[2] Cake
[1] Angelina Joile

2 events you will never forget
[2] finding out my brother attempted suicide
[1] first grade crush Patrick

1 person you will always love
[1] idk

Monday, May 30, 2005


OMFG! Star Wars was so awesome. I haven't cried that much for a movie in a loooooooooong time. Need to go to sleep. Summer school starts tomorrow!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

eye-yeye-yeye-however you spell it...

I STILL HAVE NOT SEEN STAR WARS 3!!! SHOOT ME!!!...but then i still wouldn't have seen it...

Saturday, May 28, 2005


someone just asked me out on a date. maybe i'm not as horrible as i think. i said no though. i told them i'm not really ready to date or be in any sort of relationshop at this point, which is the truth. it came out sounding like a "ha, you wish" sort of thing.


I've decided not to dwell on my negative energy anymore. There are a few things I need to do first.

I need to focus on my writing. It'll help to challenge all this energy into a positive thing. It's been so long since I've worked on a story or tried to use my talents for good, not evil! I've decided to through myself back into writing letters to people who need to change (KFC, clothing lines that still use case I haven't mentioned it enough in the past, I am a vegetarian).

I need to get back to liking me. If I don't like me, why do I expect everyone else to? I have all these things I need to sort through. Recently I was so stressed that I almost did something I used to / still am against. Confusing? Bare with me, I don't want you all to know what I almost did, nothing too creepy though, I swear!

In order to like myself, I must loose weight. I know, I know, typical girl thing. My mother is always on me about my weight and I could stand to be a little thinner. It's something I need to do to like myself. It's something I need to do so that I don't feel like crying every time I look in the mirror. I need to become the confident person I once was.

I need to learn to shut my mouth. I have a huge mouth, and recently, all the negativity has been coming out. I have destroyed my relationships with everyone I love. I was sitting in my room and the thought came across my mind "what do I have to live for?", it scared me. I haven't felt this depressed since 8th grade when I tried to kill myself.

I need to learn. I seem to be making the same mistakes over and over again. I'm acting as insane people do, doing the same thing and expecting different results. If I had learned from my actions earlier this year, I wouldn't be in the predicament I am in right now.

I need to decide where I am going in life so that when I do feel depressed, like normal people do, I can look forward to something.

This one may seem really cheesy, but I need to be with God. I recently became very "in tune" with God and my purpose here, but I have wander far from. I need to try and think of Him and what He would want. I am here to serve Him after all.

I need to become more social. I am a hermit. It may not seem it, but I am. I get very uncomfortable around people, so this causes me to speak and act loudly as to cover up the embarrassment. People would call me to do things and I would make up plans so I could sit at home with my parents and watch TV. People would call and try to talk to me and I'd make an excuse to get off the phone. Now people don't ask me to do things and people don't call me, and it saddens me. It's my own fault. I need to invite people to do stuff. I need to call people.

I need to remain positive.

Friday, May 27, 2005

the thing i forgot

I did have good news. Right after school, Shannon invited Leslie, Ryan, Mosie, and myself over to hang out as a end-of-school sort of thing. It was really fun. I am such a loser. We talked like old people; remembering our childhoods and toys. It was fun. I really like Shannon. Shannon and I are so similar that it's either a hit or miss. I can't believe some people actually don't like Shannon, but it's their opinion. She's always there when you need a shoulder to cry on or a kick in the ass. This started me in a good mood, then the rest of the day went downhill...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Life and other boring stuff.

I faked sick to go to a friends BBQ. I should've gone to work. I thought going would be fun and would make me feel better about my friends and self, but it didn't the opposite worked.

I ended up calling Erin and I was trying so hard not to let her know I had been crying. She made me feel so much better. I wish that everyone was as nice and understanding as Erin. It used to be Heidi I could count on, but lately, everything is falling apart, including my friendship with Heidi.

I think it's me. I'm so f**cked up, it'd be so hard to know me. I felt like hurting myself tonight and thankfully Erin cared enough to realize I needed someone. Thank God for her, because I don't know what I would've done without her.


I really hate myself right now.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


The good news:
I passed Chemistry! I am not as stupid as I thought.

The bad news:
One of my friends has been talking about me and doesn't like me. I wish we were still as close as we once were, but she's changed. She doesn't like to talk to me, just about me. I also heard her making fun of someone who used to be very close to her. It made me very sad.

The good news:
I may fake sick Thursday to go to a BBQ.

The bad news:
No one who is going to be there really wants me there.

The good news:
School is almost over.

The bad news:
School isn't quite over.

*This has nothing to do with the big news.

Sunday, May 22, 2005



Saturday, May 21, 2005


i was electrocuted at work. one of the cashiers who didn't realize this light i was working on cleaning was connected to the light for this one room, flipped on the switch. i got this weird surge through my body, i dropped the light (it was connected to the wall, hard to explain, but whatever), and started tearing up. i got down from the counter i was on and i couldn't stop shaking. i'm still shaking. earlier when i was cleaning up there, we were joking about how funny the report would be, if i was injured, because 16-year-olds can't stand on counters and clean electrical things. it's the law. my luck. so i'm white, and pale, and shaking, and scared to talk (don't know why, i just didn't talk), have really red cheeks, and tears streaming down my face, and people i know get out of there movie. i wanted to keep working, but fairy made me go sit in the box office. luckily i don't think the people i know saw me. it was shocking.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Star Wars wasn't horrible. I go to work at 3:30 today. My article on Star Wars got bumped to the main part of the paper instead of the Teen Page, which just appears Mondays. It's awesome because I'm awesome. Since I'm cool, I'm posting the link here. Sara rocks!! Click here and find out why!!

School sucks. Got schedules today. I have two AP classes in a row. Need to switch teachers for English.

Will write later. Much later.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


We've had people camping out for Star Wars since Monday. They are so cool. I spent like all of Monday, when I was at work, talking to them, and I went and just talked to them and hung out with them for an hour today. They are the coolest people in the world.

Star Wars comes out tomorrow! I am so excited. Fairy and I are going to go together when we both have a day off. We have to pay though, which sucks. Oh well. I can't wait.

Went home sick. Slept for about five hours. Went to Monster-in-law, which was really funny. Saw it with Big Willy, Fairy, Donna, and Big Willy's roommate. I'm going to miss Big Willy. Fairy says he told her he's going to miss me and her the most. When he comes back in December he said he's going to take me flying. Who knows if it'll happen, but it's cool to think it will.

I'll write more when I have a chance. It may be a week because Star Wars is going to drain me.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

I hate blogger.

I try to update. I try to post. It is all in vain.

On a two hour break from work right now. I'm working a double so my boss is letting me take a wonderfully long break. Have to work tomorrow from 6-cl. I want to go to The Interpreter, but have not yet asked my parents (unfortunately I still have to do this) and ask my friend if they still want to go. We went to Sahara together and said we'd go to The Interpreter together, so I'm hoping that they can tomorrow.

Saw Rick, Sam, Nick, Eric, Erik, blazer-Tuesday-starter guy, Don (maybe it's not his name, but I can't remember) and some other people I know. They went to Hitchhiker's guide and Eric (not the b-day Erik) was really annoying and was hitting buttons. He thought he was being oh so funny, but I was half asleep, hadn't had any coffee, and was running on three hours of sleep, so I was really bitchy. Jenny backed me up. Later I was laughing about it.

I started to wake up and was singing and dancing later. My and Will's song came on so we were singing to that. I was in a good mood until I left. My till was off by a dollar and I'm still trying to figure out how that happened.

Came home to heat, freshen up, and check e-mail. The people I want to e-mail me back, haven't yet. I am really bored.

Michael, my brother, has a friend over. Not a druggie one either! I am so proud. They are playing Halo2 behind me. The kid sucks. I could beat him and that is saying quite a bit. It's no surprise my brother is kicking him butt.

I need to cash my paycheck so that I can go buy another CD. I've decided that every paycheck I get merits a new CD. It's really fun. I'm going to spend this one on that one CD and clothes. I have no clothes. Dustin was making fun of me because I said I usually wear jeans. I guess he found this humorous. I wore a skirt though, a week or two ago. I'm wearing a summer dress either tomorrow or next school week.

I'm going to go nap before I have to leave. Sorry I haven't blogged for awhile.

Check out and comment!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I am grounded from going to church. How can I be grounded from church? I am going to try and get out of it. Who grounds a child from going to church? What kind of parent says "You can't go worship and believe in God"? Who does that? My parents, that's who.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I am contemplating moving the blog. Moving for reasons I will post on the new blog if it is created. I have to ponder this. I should move. But this is my home.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

I lied.

Sue me.

Friday, May 06, 2005

and then we...

so much to talk about. so little time. will write tomorrow.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Today was a "GET OUT OF MY FACE I NEED COFFEE" kind of day. I also need sleep. Got home late last night from Dollars for Scholars. I need a new life.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Life is like a book

My life is turning out to be like a book. I boring, long, strange book, but a book none the less. I've gone 16 years without having anyone like me. That's a pretty long time. In stories, girls like me give up, and then love comes around the corner...but that doesn't ever happen in real life. It happened.

Last week I like two people, cause I'm a hot whore (lol Danika), and then I went down to one. I found out yesterday that the two guys from last week like me. (I hate saying like me. It sounds so third grade) I'm all confused now. If only I had an over-paid, Hollywood director to tell me what happens next.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Work and other boring stuff.

I had to work last night. It sucked. I was out of there by 11pm. We had this new guy, Chris, working. He's pretty sweet. Richard gave Dustin the promotion he wanted to give to me. It makes sense because Dustin is 18 and allowed to take it. I'm still bitter.

One of my friends is being really (x100) annoying. She will not stop talking about this one guy and her's relationship. I want them to stop talking that way she'll just shut up.

I finally figured out the guy that liked me. He stopped like a week ago though, thank goodness. I now understand why my friend, the annoying one, thought I liked him. It was because he liked me. He's really quiet and strange and I've only heard him say like two words. Maybe he's a mute.

Ponder this and other pointless things.

Monday, May 02, 2005


I am grounded! It is so weird. I have never actually been grounded before. My parents would be like "Sara, you're grounded" and then I'd go out with friends or something. I can only go to school and work. I can't go on the computer. Will try and sneak on later to write.