Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

last post.

need to take time for schoolwork. will post in about a week. see ya'll lata.

Monday, August 29, 2005

3 hours of freedom.

3 hours of freedom.
til i lay me.
down to sleep.
and pray the lord.
school won't start.

past days.

wow. haven't blogged in awhile. have been spending my last weekend/days of summer with georgia and then later meeting up with jeremy and keith. now keith is a babe. just had to write that. but he sees sort of like a player, so that attitude ruined him for me.

a lot to type about, but i'm not fully awake yet. i went to bed at 3. woke up at 6 to my dad telling me to turn off the tv. woke up again just now.


Friday, August 26, 2005


my friend j throw a party last night.
it was really fun.
played games i haven't played since i thought the world was a wonderful, carefree place.
hid in a car.
and talked.
and talked.
found out things a "friend" never cared to share.
things a friend should have shared.
if that friend was a friend.
laughed a lot.
a little too much.
got drunk off of happiness.
when i get drunk off of happiness, coming down sucks.
and it did it ever.
after the party went to perkins with two good friends.
think that friend h and i are over it.
disagreements we've had.
it was fun.
but then we left to drive.
and talk.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

tonight was tonight.

worked. will update and explain tomorrow. on this same one. gonna edit it.


worked because sarah got written up twice and walked out, she refused to sign the slips. so this meant chelsea had to work alone. chelsea is a shweethart so she called and i agreed to go in, because tony was managing, not richard.

found out about half of the staff is dating the other half! little surprised. but hey, what can you do?

this is boring because i don't really remember much of the night.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

today. my life. and yesterday.

movie with a.
one pretty sweet dude.
was fun.
red eye.
dropped him off.
got home.
hung out awhile.
recieved a call.
flew to base.
driving way too fast.
new to base.
less than 48 hours.
allergies suck.
left the kids.
with a police man.
eqivalent of.
social services threatening.
dad and i going to.
baby-sit these 3.
little girls.
less than 2 hours.
randomly talking.
come to town to pick up.
their mother.
and eat ice cream.
cones for mickey d's.
bring them home.
come home exhausted.
fall asleep.
before 1.

stressful phone call.
got get coffee.
but not.
is good.
drive around for.
a bit.
then go to the.
mall for clothes.
for tomorrow.
buy nothing but find.
world's most perfect jeans.
perfect for.
my curvy self.
come home tired.
feel a little sick.
try and sleep.
but keep waking up.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Okay. Yesterday was fun. I did the usual boring stuff (chatting, e-mail, surfing the web) and then I took my brother to his hair appointment.

I work less than a block frok where we get our hair cut, so I walked over to the theater to get my schedule. On my way back, this carful of guys shouts "Hey!" then they drive away. They circle the block, come by me again, and shout "What's your name?", and again, drive off. Now if for some odd reason I wanted to tell them my name, I couldn't, because they never came back...

Hung out at home after this, bored. Then 6:45 went and re-dyed my hair red. I love coloring my hair. I cannot wait until Christmas when I do it again.

I get home around 8:30 when D calls. I was very happy because we always try and get together, but it doesn't work out. So D and I went to Old Navy for about 5 minutes and then decided to get coffee at Caribu Coffee. I was so dissappointed. You have no idea. I got a cappichino (spelling is horrid, ignore) to be safe and was disgusted. It was horrible, but I now understand why I pay about a dollar more for Starbucks. D's Spice Tea smelled wonderful, but I'm not a huge tea drinker.

So D and I hung out until my curfew. I have a curfew now. I am angry beyond belief. My parents, who have let me stay out past midnight if they know where I am, gave me a curfew. Not an early one like 11 or anything, earlier. It's earlier than some of my friends so I had to get them to push it back half an hour.

Came home and studied biology for over two hours. This was actually interesting...or I led myself to believe this because I have put off studying all summer. Thankfully, G sent me a text so I knew I could call her. She was a nice ten minute break from studying.

Today. I am planning on going to either Red Eye or Dukes of Hazzard with A, a different A this one will also only be in tenth grade but at my school, because he's so dope! I love ya A. But movies don't start until after 4 now. I love it when it comes to working, but I hate it when it comes to going to movies.

Later, G and I are going to hang out and then meet up with J for coffee, is my guess.

I think I'm addicted to coffee. It's a horrible thing at such a young age. I blame H, who is currently away and not here to defend herself. I love her, but she should have slowly lured me into this coffee cult instead of just pushing me in. I start to drown, but coffee saves me.

I feel gross, because I can't wash my hair for two days. This means when I shower, I have to find a shower cap, which I seem to have lost, or wrap a towel around my head. Neither is fun. The cap makes me funny looking and the towel makes it hard to get INTO the shower.

I used CAPS!

Where'd all the good people go?

Monday, August 22, 2005

home again.

got back from grandma's yesterday. weekend of pigging out caused me to put on 2 out of the 3 pounds u had lost. it was worth it though. pasties, dirt cake, custard angel food cake. hmm! went on the jet-ski and tanned a bit. i turned half a shade darker! yes!

  1. shop with mom and help her pick out back-to-school clothes for herself. she's a teacher and needs a bit of an update.
  2. bring michael to hair cut.
  3. check schedule at work.
  4. my own hair appointment.
  5. call kindra.
  6. movie?
  7. e-mail biology teacher in reply.

will write later when i have the time. and one more thing, my hair looks BEAUTIFUL right now or some reason unknown to me.

these boots were made for walking.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


at grandma's. will post later.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

busy day.

turns out everything is NEXT thursday so i was all set to hang out with a. until my dad decided, after a week of asking him, to call the mechanic for my squeaky brakes. had an appointment at 8 this morning. appointment meant i had/have no car to get there. i called and told him and he sounded disappointed (which is always good). we're gonna hang out next week when i get back from my grandma's.

going to grandma's this weekend. gonna jet ski and attempt to tan one more time before school.

hair appointment next monday. red again. gonna dye it chocolate brown around christmas though. i love dying my hair. it's an expensive hobby though. for the red, i have my hair lady do it and i think i'll do the brown from a bottle/box.

got a ticket on my car. pissed off! 15 dollars down the drain.

going for coffee today with jessie and georgia. should be fun. it'll be my second trip to the coffee shop today though. this is what i hae about not working, you spend more money!

going to go bowling with jenna (my sis), and georgia and her sis, and some other people. should be fun. even though i can't bowl to save my life. i end up acting stupid to cover it up. because i should be ashamed. you're reading about a girl who has managed to get gutter balls with bumper's. it's talent. lol. i play it like golf, lowest score wins.

i feel pretty. oh so pretty. i feel pretty and witty and bright. and i pitty. any girl who isn't me tonight.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


a called. talked for about 20 or so minutes. i ended the convo before i could make a bigger idiot of myself than i usually do (that make any sense? sounds weird.). we're going out on thursday for breakfast. i am so excited!

omg! believe or not...just realized this. i get my braces off thursday. and i think i baby-sit. braces is at 1. mom volunteered me to baby-sit so i have no idea of the time! arg! i hope it doesn't clash. i'm gonna scream. mom is already in bed, like the old person she is, so i can't casually ask her. dang it. must wait for tomorrow. going to go stress.

sex and candy.


just realized it's tuesday. damn.

things on my mind.

don't feel like typing, so i'm going to list things on my mind.
  1. school pictures. ew.
  2. a. he's calling me today. not gonna get too excited though, for it'll seep through on the phone.
  3. paycheck. lost it. think i may have accidently tossed it... must ponder this. going to ask tony if i can have carmike cancel that and send me a new one.
  4. school supplies. have yet to buy. when does school start again anyway?
  5. money i owe parents. 182. ouch. need that paycheck...
  6. biology. took the quizzes, but i still haven't read it. anyone want to study with me? please?
  7. other things to put on this list. none.

when you see me walking, down the street.

Monday, August 15, 2005


oh, how i missed this thing! i don't know where to begin... forgive me if it's a little unorganized.

okay, so i took some time off from work and spent the week in grand rapids and minneapolis-spelling is horrible, you should know how i hate to spell by now!. at grandma's, she lives in grand rapids if you didn't recall, i got the usual "you're getting fat" speech. went jet-skiing and on the tube. it was really fun, as usual. the tube, which was awesome!, and i did not stay in contact like usual. i kept flying out. only one hurt. landing on your head will do that to you...

was going to vent about certain frustrations with friend, but came to realize it was obvious who i was frusterated with and abandoned it. just typed it out on word. maybe i'll post it later if i'm really bitter, but right now, i'm okay.

went to minneapolis! man, was that fun. bought some new clothes! it'll be nice to have something other than jeans and sweatshirts in my closet! spent a little too much though... but it's alright, it's back-to-school clothes.

tara and her family came to visit us in our hotel! i love tara! she is one of the coolest people i know, i say that about a lot of people i'm starting to realize. we spent lots of time at this indoor water park and then went down to this bar and grill to eat and chat. turns out she has a boyfriend. she was telling me about him and how he asked her out! it's so cute. then i saw her prom pictures, before she had a boyfriend. i want her dress! it wouldn't fit me because she is so tiny, but it was so beautiful on her! i haven't seen her in about two years so it was crazy the amount of catching up we had to do. she's going to come up in september to look at colleges, so i'll get to see her again, then. that'll be really fun.

i have been having the weirdest dreams lately... this one is about a movie theater that has whole sections of moving seats or something (hard to explain) and it took place in space... then i saw some people i know, but they were two people (if that makes any sense). i'm wondering if it has anything to do with the medication i've just started taking.

lost may paycheck. damn. i always do this. usually i find it after an hour of searching, but i still haven't found this one! ah! maybe i can tell them i lost it and get a new one. that'd be really embarassing though.

more later.

there is no motive for this crime.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


on vaca.
for week.
not sure.
not likely.
will be.
home soon.
if a week.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

last day...

for awhile was today. way to go out with a bang! a double. open to past close. wooh! life sucks!...but i'm laughing.

i was in a wonderful mood at work. i saw one of my old teacher's...actually two. mrs. blue and mr. compos (spelling is horrible, forgive). which was really fun.

ooo! story. that reminds me of something i forgot to post...i think. i bought a new purse. it is made out of old license plates and it is the "pimp shit" (to quote tony). so i'm walking into work, after my break, and this random guy rolls his window down and shouts "that's not a purse, it's a license plate". i kept walking but i started laughing so hard. then, as i was leaving work, tony tried to steal it...just remember, i did post about it, lol...and i laughed, again. he asked if i'd seen beauty shop, which i haven't, and then he started ranting about man purses.

i also found out that i work with a crap load of perverts! it was sort of comical. so i'm un-buttoning my shirt, three down, just enough to almost see the bra and everything else, and dustin tells jackie about the time i thought i had a tank top under my shirt and ended up "showing" my "stuff" to him and tony. needless to say, or maybe it wasn't needless, i blushed at the memory.

just e-mail a! tried to play it cool, lol. told him if he's bored that he should give me a call. ball's in his court now. i'm just forget about it and go to the lake and enjoy myself.

more later.

if i'm alive and well, will you be there, holding my hand?

Saturday, August 06, 2005

wonderful mood! 417?ish

just checked e-mail and a e-mailed me! man, i need to call him. i have to do it before six tomorrow because kindra wants details and stories. lol. tony and i are sitting in the box and kindra leaving and she shouts, in front of eveyone, customers, tony, fellow employees, "when i see you tomorrow you better tell me you guys fucked all night long". if you don't know kindra, which many of you don't, you have no idea how naive and innocent she is most of the time. needless to say, i turned red.

then i was telling chris p. i was a cherry coke virgin (someone who's never had cherry coke) and he's like "that's the only type of virgin you are" and joe laughs! i was shocked. i start rambling and joe says "don't give us that. it's obvious you aren't a virgin". boys!

work a double tomorrow. it'll be fun. i only work two days in the next month because i wanted a month off. i don't like paper work, so i'm going to work once every pay period.

that's what destiny is.

e-mail i received.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

"The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy."
-Helen Hayes

Friday, August 05, 2005

today and the person.

today jackie and i went out to lunch and to a movie. we tried to break into dustin's car. it was locked. we broked into tony's and jacked his crap. it was funny. we gave it back...except his swim trunks which are in my trunk.

now...why i am a messed up, imperfect person. a list:

  1. i can't be happy for people
  2. i miss phone calls and can't call back because NO CALLER ID
  3. i butt in when i shouldn't
  4. i loose my temper too easily
  5. i can't take compliments
  6. i'm too prideful
  7. i tend to base too much on looks, my own as well as others
  8. i am jealous
  9. i am really jealous
  10. i can't be happy for myself

called a today! he got home today from DC. he wasn't home at 5:30ish, so his plane must have gotten in later. who knows? hopefully i can call him tomorrow...or today, now that i check the time.

later today. like waking hour later. going to the lake with the fam and g. then getting home just in time for work. march of the penguins comes out! am going to invite this guy friend of mine to it. he likes penguins, lol. he keeps talking about how he's more pumped for it than i am. i'm hoping the fact that it's a documentry will bring in cute, intelligent, older guys. lol. need to get my mind off that track if i'm going to start a relationship... that'll suck.

more later. haven't been in a blogging mood because of jealousy. the jealousy got me to read, something i love to do, but haven't most of summer! so jealousy did a good thing for once!

say a prayer when you feel like cussing.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

416 beauty

this is not the longer post. it is going to be longer than the other one though. but still, very short. read the article and tell me what you think.