Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Friday, December 31, 2004


I took some pictures of my hand holding my hair. The cut off hair by the way. This one turned out blurry and this one was dark. Oh well. Enjoy!

I got it

I'm a working woman. Not working fast food either. Have a better job then let's say...Hardee's. I got a job! In yo face ppl!

Everyone died

Everyone...just about, has died-the people with blogs. I admit that I died too, but I am back.

I have an interview in about forty-five minutes...I'm really nervous. They are really desperate though, so I'll most likely be hired. Don't want to jinx it by saying where I want to work though.

I don't feel like myself too much lately. I look in the mirror and am shocked to see my hair gone! Shannon-I'm not bald, but I feel like it. I look great in green shirts though. It, the green shirts, bring out the bit of red in my hair. I never did like green that much though. Maybe I'll take a picture and put it on here, then again, maybe not.

Have a great day people and wish me luck! Ahhhhh!

Thursday, December 30, 2004


I got my hair cut today. Twelve inches. Wow. I feel light-headed. I donated it to locks of love. I also dyed it. It's now a subtle reddish-brown..auburn? It looks red when the light hits it right. I cannot believe it's gone! I'm a hair-flipper. I admit it. I go to flip my hair and it's gone.

Monday, December 27, 2004


I love to read. Finished my final new book from Christmas and have already begun re-reading. I particularly like books by Sarah Dessen. I love "This Lullaby", "The Truth About Forever", and "Keeping the Moon". I recommend these books to any girl out there. Sadly, most of the money from my grandma is going towards books...and the second season of a T.V. show I like. I cannot wait to go get more books! I might just order online though so I don't have to go out. Ordering online would make me wait for my books now...

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Should you just...

What is the best way to go about telling someone you like them? Hmm...I need help with this as does one of my friends. Please help us! Ahhhh!


Went to Grandma's for Christmas. Wasn't the worst Christmas this year. Thank god for that. Last year my uncle sat on Joseph, from my grandma's nice nativity scene. Ah, he'll never be the same.

My cousins were there, Zoe-4 and Emily-18 months. They are the cutest things ever. I had a blast playing with them. They always crack me up. Zoe asked her dad, my uncle, if he does anything because she never sees him doing anything. Also, Zoe was picking her nose so I, being as helpful as I am, asked her if she needed a tissue and she told me "no, they're just crusties". They are so fun to play with.

Got lots of presents. Haven't stopped reading. Finish four of my five books in two days. Half-way done with the last one. Got yelled at by Mom for reading too much. I laughed and then started listening to one of my new CD's.

Ah, the holidays. Tis the season...

Thursday, December 23, 2004


We celebrated our family Christmas today. Mom and Dad got me a charm bracelet. I had to laugh because one of the charms was McDonald's. Jamie got me the best smelling bath and body lotion, bath gel, and spray-Lime Coconut! I hope Michael (my brother) and Jamie (his gf) don't break up soon. She's really nice and I like hanging out with her. My little sister, Jenna, got me this colorful triangle thing. Can't really explain it. Maybe I'll post pictures of the things later.

No one is online. I am on tagged. Again, if you want to going go to this page. I am started to get addicted to getting points. Ahhh! I am an addict!

Was watching Tech TV and the funniest commercial came on! First scene, You need to stop kidding yourself, scene two-you're a drunk, scene three-you'll never quit smoking, scene four-you'll always be fat...then skip the resolutions this year and get it. I started laughing really hard. Michael and I were rolling.

Am really full. I'm going to go take a nap, it's 6:55pm. I feel like an old person.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


I joined this cool thing called tagged. It's really hard to explain...but if you sign up,, let me know so I can add you and get points.

I'd say Happy Holidays!, but I am so sick of hearing everyone say it. I yelled at Tiffany when she wished me a Merry Christmas!, but I don't like her that much. The other people, I just bit my tongue.

So some people actually got me gifts. I was a little surprised. Rachel, who knows me all to well, got me chocolate. Carly gave me suckers and a condom, "in case I get bored over break", and explained that even though she wanted to give me a pole, inside joke-but you may get the general idea, she couldn't find one. Other people got me other random stuff, but those were my two favorites. Oh, and Sam gave me a dollar. I think I ask Sam for money everyday and he gave me a dollar! This caused me to tell Sam I love him, and caused Brad to laugh.

Last day to swim. Thank God. Seriously, all of you...all of you believers of God, should thank him for me. I think I'm rediscovering religion.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Stole this from George

...This is a place where I feel fairly safe, away from the constant mocking and ridicule that would undoubtedly follow was I to allow my so called 'friends' to read this. It is for this reason that this is the one and only place where I will ever allow my personal feelings to be told to the world. Just goes to show my complete stupidity how I could have easily kept my profile anonymous. But on contemplation on this matter I've come to realize how much I would really like my 'friends' to know how much I hate each and every one of them. So much so, in some cases that I would gladly kill them if given the chance.
Just a word of warning, you may find some of my ideas and opinions unusual or insulting, if so don't bother complaining to me because I don't care. Another warning for the religious out there who may be reading, I advise you read no further, lest you find out how much of an idiot I think you are.

Expect poetry, ramblings and down right angry ranting about anything that concerns me but I can't speak my mind about to anyone other than you the reader.
That is where his first post ends. The reader! I love it. As if no one has an identity and you couldn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. The reader! An easy way to detach yourself from the world, and even though you have comments, allow your brain to fool you into thinking no one cares and no one can judge you. Ah, the reader.

Te amo.

Necesito tú. Quiero tú. Amo tú. Tú no veas y estoy llenó con tristeza. Vivo un mentira.

Monday, December 20, 2004


I am on the air base right now. I am at this little end-party thing for this class I was taking. Thank goodness for computers! I feel like the base is this little bubble. I tried to download messenger, but it was blocked. The base blocked it! I am stuck in this little bubble. I am going to rip my hair out!


I sat in an orange chair at lunch today! I think most of the lunchroom knows I sat in an orange chair. I saw it at our table and started shouting "Orange chair" over and over again. I had to race for it...okay, nobody raced me, but they could have stolen it if they had wanted to. I felt so special.

Had wet hair for a good part of the day because of gym. I was too lazy to dry it. I had homework to finish.

While I was sick, we got new spots in chemistry. I hate my spot. Err. I missed the day we got to choose where we wanted to sit. Danika and I are plotting how to get me a new spot. We...okay, I, plan on harassing someone until they can no longer take it, and drop the class. We narrowed the people down to two, the two weakest. I can hardly wait!

I sat in an orange chair at lunch!

Sunday, December 19, 2004



I did most of my math homework! Go me! Need to still do chemistry and english. Errrr. I dislike school. I just tell myself, that if it gets really bad, I'm old enough to drop out. I have the whole plan ready. A plan for what you ask. Ah, take a look and see for yourself.

1. Get pregnant.
2. Drop out of school.
3. Give birth to the kid.
4. Find a job at McDonald's.
5. Slowly work way up to manager at McD's.
6. Take over McDonald's corporation.
7. Take over world.

Reasons for steps:
1. An excuse to drop out of school.
2. Too much work.
3. It can't stay in me forever.
4. Need money to support myself and kid. First step to learning how to control people.
5. Need management skills. And the pay raise.
6. Because my employees treated the business like an after-school job. Must make them pay.
7. Just controlling McDonald's is below my potential. I need to live up to my potential.

I think this plan will work out quite nicely. If school gets to tough, or I get to lazy, I need a back-up plan. Are you preparing for your future?

Saturday, December 18, 2004

More toothpaste links


Rachel is making me so sad. Some people were being really mean to her and that just made me pissed off. Last year, I did something and it was terrible (I hate mentioning it, so I won't tell you what it was) and I started crying and Rachel was the person telling me it was okay. Also, in gym one day, someone asked me something, and I, again, started crying and Rachel, again, kept talking to me and calming me down. And one more time, about two weeks ago, in Gym, I was joking that I wanted to look sick so I could go home, and Abby told me to think of something sad, like my dad dying in an airplane crash, and both me and Stephanie started crying (our dads are in the military so it's something you think about when they are over-seas) and Rachel was the person who tried to comfort us. Why are people so mean and stupid to the people who are the kindest?

I need to...

I need to...
Become a better person
Go Christmas shopping
Find better influences
Get a job
Do all the homework I missed
Clean my room
Play wallyball
Get better
Find a better doctor
Eat more fruit

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Eric is my hero. My locker was jammed. I and forty other people tried to open it. Eric comes over and opens it like it was nothing. I think I need to come up with a signal so whenever my locker is jammed, Eric can helped. I hate my locker. It is stubborn, like me. I named it Isabella and people look at me strangely when I mutter "Please open Isabella, I won't kick you anymore," but sometimes she doesn't listen. Sometime she deserves to be kicked.

I am so behind in homework. Three sick days will do that to you. I really should go jump on that. Literally. ha ha.


For once I am experiencing sheer happiness. God is trying to make things right.

I have not been abducted (just don't ask Danika)

I am alive. I know you all have missed me and wondered where I have been. The answer? I have been sick. I had to go to my doctor and almost had to go to the ER. I hate being sick. I am fully over whatever it was, my doctor thinks I may be..., well, I won't mention it unless it turns out to be true, but I am a lot better! I am actually thrilled to be in school and to see all my friends. I missed school...scary. Oh well, I am not perfectly well yet, so forgive me. I'll blog later.

Monday, December 13, 2004

You know the feeling...

You know how I was all happy in the post entitled *Sigh*? Well, I am in that mood again! Same person has put me in it that always does. There are a few people who keep me at Red River and this person is one of them. How can someone be so nice and make you happy all the time? Unfortunatly we don't talk a lot, even online :( but he can be quite flirtatious in real life. *Sigh* What to do,what to do?


Went home sick...AGAIN. Dad made me a doctor's appointment, so I'll miss part of school tomorrow. I will have to get blood drawn again. I'm in the hospital so much for testing that, not only have I memorized the little charts about aids and the flu, but I'm beginning to know the staff. Last time I went in, three people said hi to me and I responded using their NAMES. I hope they find something wrong with me because I hate getting blood drawn and just being in the hospital. Life sucks. Last time I had testing down, their was so much blood-work! My dad ended up paying me twenty dollars to do it all in one sitting. I started passing out, so they had to take a break. I HAVE A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT TOMORROW! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Sunday, December 12, 2004



I am in a good mood, scratch that, a great mood. I am soooooo happy. I am floating, flying, soaring. Life is great. I don't think I want my feet to touch the ground again.

Saturday, December 11, 2004


My friends kidnapped me. THAT was a surprise. I had fun though. When we got to Ryan's apartment my friends and favorite foods were waiting. We went outside, in the freezing snow, jacketless, and were running around and having snowball fights when this old guy yelled "what are you kids doing?". It was really fun.

After this I went to the last half hour of the FBLA Christmas party and had fun hanging out with Danika, Kelsey, and Jessie.

Today was my birthday and I went out to Blue Moose. I ate sooooooo much. Just got back and I'm really tired (when I eat a lot, I don't like to move-I like to sleep), so I am going to go take a nap. I'll post later...

Friday, December 10, 2004

Surprise Party Things

I guess that the FBLA Christmas party interfered with my friend's plans of doing something with me. Carly told me at lunch that she and Ryan were going to pick me up around 8:00 and I told them I already was doing something. They thought I was lying and said they were coming to get me. When I told them I couldn't do anything they gave each other these 'secret' "oh, shit", glances. Ahhhh. To ruin ones surprise plans. This is why surprise parties and things don't work out.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Elf shoes and gifts

In this post I will touch two major subjects; elf shoes and gifts.

Elf shoes will start the post because I am sure many of you are wondering what the hell they are. Georgia wore, what Hannah calls, elf shoes. They were black flats with teal lining and they pointed at the end. Little could I tell, because they were black, but they were pointed up. Like elf shoes.

Gifts. My b-day is on Sat. Georgia gave me a gift today because, even though she thought it was on Fri., someone told her it was today. She wanted to be safe and I got a present early. I love what she got me. It's hard to believe how well some people know me. I loved my gift but I hate when people buy me gifts. I just tell people the best gift they can give me is friendship. In return to this, they mutter "I'll just get you food." Isn't it great when you get something you love?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

What the **ck?

Turns out my friend's boyfriend told her he was going to propose on Christmas. Leann and I were "what the **ck"ing, all throughout gym--yes, even as we swam. If he told her, it's like he's already done it. The surprise is how he is going to do it. The way he is going to do it is, as I have said before, romantic, but not magical. He's proposing by acting the way any guy would, if he were just being romantic. He's not earning any points for creativity.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Red in the face

Had first lunch today because of this chemistry thing. Danika and I couldn't find anyone we knew so we joked that the two of us would be losers and sit at a table by ourselves. Instead, we saw Eric, and he sat with us-making the two losers, three, and thus eliminating any loserness about us. We had a very good time, even though Eric wasn't being as nice as he should have to me. Unfortunately Eric knows who I liked-past tense-and even though I told him I don't like that guy anymore, he feels the need to embarrass me. So he asked me how things were going with a certain guy (he didn't mention the name because of Danika and I thank goodness for that) and, unfortunately, I was taking a big bite out of my sandwich, so I could not respond. Later when we (Danika and I and Eric) were at Eric's locker, I thought Eric was going to fall over with a heart attack. We were joking about these secret pals (cheerleader to cheerleader) who have to put gifts in lockers and Danika's books were falling out...moving on, we were joking and I didn't know what to call her fellow cheerleaders, so I called them: Cheermates. Eric almost, or maybe he did, fell to the ground. Danika had a chuckle too.

I have something important to say, but I don't know if I should. It's supposed to be a secret, but I'm itching to tell someone or scream. Normally I am good at keeping secrets, but this one is eating away at me. My friend's boyfriend is going to propose! AHHH! I am so excited for her. He's going to propose on Christmas, how uncreative, and cook for her and all that shit. She has no idea and I wonder how she'll react. I mean, she only is a sophomore and they have been dating less than a year. I'd, personally, rather have a promise ring. It, I think, is a little odd to propose to someone when neither of you is a senior or dying. Leann and I were talking and we decided if she does say yes and they do get married, it won't last long. How many high school relationships last? A couple, very few, not too many. Part of me wonders if he's doing it for sex. I know that's mean and he is a really nice, sweet, guy, but since his brother is, um...sexually active, maybe.... I don't want to think about it. That'd be terrible. A major part of me disagrees because they have talked about having sex and that wouldn't make too much sense. I am trying to figure it out-why he's proposing. Her mom went with him to go buy the ring so I guess that means her parents are okay with it. My My mother would never agree to it. She'd most likely protest a promise ring let alone an engagement ring. Still, right or wrong, the way he is going to propose is so romantic! If only it weren't on Christmas. I wouldn't want to be proposed to, or married on, Valentine's Day, either of our b-day's, Christmas, or New Year's Eve. Leann and I were joking that I'd want to be proposed to on Groundhog's day and married Arbor day of the next year. No, seriously, I'd want a guy to be more creative in choosing a day. Leann and I started talking about when we would want to get married and I said, if I decide to get married, it'll be a fall/autumn wedding. I love the fall:the leaves, the air, the over-all feel. Yes, an autumn wedding would be great.

Monday, December 06, 2004


This is ThePerm and this is Jenna and this is me doing hyperlinks! The pic of me is a lil fuzzy, but I like it. I think it makes the pic look cooler and me, look more inspired. I am so proud!


Swam today. The pool was freezing. Amanda and I kept joking about how we could float the best because we mastered our natural buoyancy. Swimming sucked. We had to do these stupid workouts and the worst was treading water for five minutes. The thing that added to the humility of swimming was the fact that those people who forgot about swimming, were walking around the pool, watching us.

I have been in a great mood all day. Maybe it's the fact that my chemistry test, no matter how good or bad it was, was in the average grade range. Go me!

Learned something important in Spanish today. I know how to say I am right-in Spanish. Now if I could only learn "you're wrong, you are always wrong, get over it and move on you moronic person!", I'd be set to go to Mexico, or some other Spanish speaking place.

My birthday is on Sat.! I cannot wait. Some friends and I are going to go out on Fri. to celebrate and we are going to...I don't know, they won't tell me, but I am excited. Lots of people keep asking me what I want and I just tell them that all I'd ever want from them is all the love in their heart...and possibly chocolate! Carly said she's getting me food of some sort (my friends know me so well).

Talked to mom about changing schools and she's given me the okay. I have to finish out my sophomore year though. Ugh. Oh well. She said that way things could get better. I am going to go through the rest of the year as positively as I can, but knowing that I am leaving at the end! I cannot move in with my grandma though. I chose to look at the positive of not living with her and the positive side is I don't have to go to church more days out of the week than not.

Day has gone well. I have floated through most of my classes. I may not have expressed it in past posts, but I had a great weekend. Mostly because I was online talking to friends the entire time. I think that this one "person" is mad at me because they kept, all of a sudden, having to go. Again, as I always say, oh well. Screw them. Ha. Reminds me of a funny story. Also reminds me that life is ironic.

I leave you with that. Life is ironic. It is part of the beauty of life. It's what keeps us laughing; irony.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Give up

I have tried to post this new thing-for pics-and it has not worked. I am giving up and instead of having it all cool, where you click on a word and go to the page, I am just going to give the **cking website. Here it is:

Lovely pic of friend Jenna...Taken by Jenna


I am steaming. Only reason I have not hurt anyone or anything is Jenna. Breathing has become natural, not forced. I am so (many swear words follow). Some people have no **cking idea about anything going on. People are idiotic and even though they act like people are wrong, they themselves are. In order to sort out my frustations, I am building a bomb. Oh, I feel so much more calm now.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

I am strange.

I think I'm falling for this guy. I've never met him, but he's so nice online. Internet strange can I get?

Pic from Anita Posted by Hello

Go away

Seriously, I hate Red River (my high school). I hate all the people in it, the classes, the teachers...the PEOPLE. I have started looking at high schools around town and am trying to decide if any of them are better than RR. I also am going to ask my mom if she'd let me live with my grandma and go to school in Grand Rapids. I have even considered going to community because I hate RR so much. I've tried to deal with all the problems I have at RR-lack of friends, self-esteem, poor grades, evil teachers-but nothing is helping. I think I need a change of scenery. I hate being in Grand Forks, I feel stuck. I want to go somewhere, anywhere, else.

Friday, December 03, 2004


Love---In Other Words By: Harper Lee

Many years ago an aging member of the house of Hanover, on learning that the duty of providing an heir to the throne of England had suddenly befallen him and his brothers, confided his alarm to his friend Thomas Creevey: "...It is now seven-and-twenty years that Madame St. Laurent and I have lived together; we are of the same age and have been in all climates, and in all difficulties together, and you may well imagine the pang it will occasion me to part with her...I protest I don't know what is to become of her if a marriage is to be forced upon me..."

Amused by the Duke of Kent's predicament, Mr. Creevey recorded the incident in his diary and preserved for us a timeless declaration. The man who made it was not overly endowed with brilliance, nor had he led a noteworthy life, yet we remember his cry from the heart and tend to forget his ultimate service to mankind; he was the father of Queen Victoria.

What did the Duke of Kent tell us? That two people had shared their lives on a voluntary basis for nearly thirty years--in itself a remarkable achievement; that they had survived the fevers and frets of intimate relationship; that together they had met the pressures and disappointments of life; that he is in agony at the prospect of leaving her. In one grateful sentence, the Duke of Kent said all there is to say about the love of a man for a woman.
And in so saying, he tells us much about love itself. There is only one kind of love--love. But the different manifestations of love are uncountable:

At an unfamiliar night noise a mother will spring from her bed, not to return until every corner of her domain is tucked safely round her anxiety. A man will look up from his golf game to watch a jet cut caterpillar tracks through the sky. A housewife, before driving to town, will give her neighbor a quick call to see if she wants anything from the store. These are manifestations of a power within us that must of necessity be called divine, for it is no invention of man.

What is love? Many things are love--indeed, love is present in pity, compassion, romance, affection. What made the Duke of Kent's statement a declaration of love, and what makes us perform without second thought small acts of love every day of our lives, is an element conspicuous by its absence. Were it present, the Duke of Kent would have left his mistress without a pang; the sound barrier breaking over her head would not rouse the mother; sinking his putt would be the primary aim of the golfer; the housewife would go straight to the store with no thought of her neighbor. One thing identifies love and isolates it from kindred emotions: love admits not of self.

Few of us achieve compassion; to some of us romance is a word; in many of us the ability to feel affection has long since died; but all of us at one time or another- be it for an instant or for our lives- have departed from ourselves: we have loved something or someone. Love, then is a paradox: to have it, we must give it. Love is not an intransitive thing­love is a direct action of mind and body.

Without love, life is pointless and dangerous. Man is on his way to Venus, but he still hasn't learned to live with his wife. Man has succeeded in increasing his life span, yet he exterminates his brothers six million at a whack. Man now has the power to destroy himself and his planet: depend upon it, he will - should he cease to love.

The most common barriers to love are greed, envy, pride, and four other drives formerly known as sins. There is one more just as dangerous: boredom. The mind that can find little excitement in life is a dying one; the mind that can not find something in the world that attracts it is dead, and the body housing it might as well be dead, for what are the uses of the five senses to a mind that takes no pleasure in them?

Having at long last realized that he must love or destroy himself, man is proceeding along his usual course by trying to evolve a science for it. The ultimate aim of psychoanalysis, when its special brand of semantics is put to rout, is to release man from his neuroses and thus enable him to love, and man's capacity to love is measured by his degree of freedom from the drives that turn inward upon him. As one holds down a cork to the bottom of a stream, so may love be imprisoned by self: remove self, and love rises to the surface of man's being.

With love, all things are possible.

Love restores. We have heard many tales of love's power to heal, and we are skeptical of them, for we are human and therefore prone to deny the existence of things we do not understand and can not explain. But this tale happened:

On an August evening in a tiny Southern hospital, an old man lay dying. His family had been summoned, among them his eldest grandson, a boy of sixteen. The boy's relationship with his grandfather had been a curious, almost wordless one, as such things often are between man and man. All that day the boy said nothing. It seemed that he could not talk. He would not wait out the old man's dying with the rest of his family in the hospital lobby; instead, the boy found a chair and stationed himself in the corridor beside his grandfather's door, where he sat all day, oblivious to the starched scurryings of hospital routine. Late in the evening the family's doctor found the boy still sitting, still silent. The doctor said, "Go home, son. There's nothing you can do for your grandfather." The boy took no notice of him, and the doctor went into the room only to emerge moments later, looking bewildered. "Er--son," said the doctor. The boy looked up. "He's asking for something to eat. He's better." Showing no sign of surprise, the boy nodded: "I reckoned it was about time he was hungry," he said, his first utterance of the day. Then he picked up the chair, put it back where he found it, and walked down the corridor, stretching his lanky frame and yawning. "Where are you going, boy?" called the doctor. "To get him a hamburger," answered the boy. "He likes hamburgers."

There is no satisfactory explanation for extrasensory perception--it simply is. There was no rational explanation for the old man's recovery--it simply happened. One may only wonder.
Love transforms. Why is it that the quotidian we are seeking, when we can't find it in the Bible or in Shakespeare, most often turns up in Don Quixote? Because Cervantes, from sheer love of life, made the nuances of life immortal. Why, when we are familiar with every line, must we stop and listen when "The Messiah" is playing? Because every note was born of a man's love for God, and we hear it. Try this experiment: catch (if you can) someone who loathes baroque music; play for him any part of Semele, then sit back and watch his polite attention turn to compulsive attention--see your captive become Handel's captive. Avarice never wrote a good novel; hate did not paint "The Birth of Venus"; nor did envy reveal to us that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides. Every creation of man's mind that has withstood the buffeting of time was born of love--love of something or someone. It is possible even to love mathematics.

The history of mankind contains innumerable testaments to the power of love, but none touches the transformation undergone by the otherwise cantankerous St. Paul when he addressed himself to the subject: loving, he wrote of love itself, and he gave us a miracle. Listen:

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing..."

After St. Paul, we have done our best, but our best has never come near him.

Love purifies. Suffering never purified anybody; suffering merely intensifies the self-directed drives within us. Any act of love, however--no matter how small--lessens anxiety's grip, gives us a taste of tomorrow, and eases the yoke of our fears. Love, unlike virtue, is not its own reward. The reward of love is peace of mind, and peace of mind is the end of man's desiring.


I wish Harper Lee had written more.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

New Song

The Geeks Get The Girls
American Hi-Fi

Love the song, love the video.


Went home sick today. I hate being sick. I almost passed out in gym and Mr. Peterson told me I should go home. Sometimes I just get weak and shaky, it sucks. I already have so much work to make up, being sick has only added to my load.

Chemistry test tomorrow. My goal is to get over fifty percent. I'm not doing as well as I'd like to in Chemistry. A stupid quiz brought me down. I need to get a tutor or something (I know I'm always saying it, but this time, I really need one). Any chemistry whizzes out there? If so...PLEASE COMMENT.

I need to work on this huge English paper due tomorrow. It's on To Kill a Mockingbird.

I really need to work on my homework. I'll try and post later if something really interesting happens. Chances are nothing will and I won't. Please feel free to dream though. Thank you all for supporting me in my time of need *sneezes* Dank ou ery much!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Errr. Enough for this post. I'm sure many of you can relate.