Something Creative

I am something creative. Maybe you are too. But who knows, maybe you are not. You should find out, because I'd like to know.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Lovely Evening

Had a "lovely evening", but this wasn't it. Was quite angry with a certain person who was SUPPOSED to come to the Teen Page meeting, but didn't. Had to hang out with people...let's just call them occasionally boring, people. Oh well. Won a Christmas music CD. Moving on...

I am quite tired and very behind in school work. Ignore the fact that the two have nothing to do about each other...

Back to the Teen Page meeting, I am going to write this awesome article on Amos, owner of Amos 5 oh board shop for all you North Dakotans out there, and he is really awesome. He's my new hero. I'll post the article in here when it's (the article) done.

I really had nothing to write about, but I came here anyway. Big mistake. I'm going to start to ramble, and start talking about certain guys, and then people I know will read it, and it'll be really bad.

I am an awesome liar. It is not a skill I am proud of though. Some people, coughcoughWill, have spent hours scanning the internet for information about my life and have just begun to unravel the bundles of lies I have woven. Thank goodness I mostly lie to people who trust me...hmmm I should take a look at that last sentence. If I look hard enough, I may find a lesson to be learned. Umm, no. Sorry.

Dance. Friday. Gonna suck. Have nothing to wear. Err.

F**ked up eyes

My eyes are being so crazy today. I have had my glasses in my backpack all day and have had to pull them out more than usual. In first hour, Spanish, my teacher was holding up flashcards and I couldn't read them at all. It was kind of scary but whenever she called on my I just said "No se", it worked really well.

Now onto the overview of the day:

1. F**cked up eyes
2. I was partners with Rachel for this writing exercise and I thought she was wrong so we called over Senora Taylor. Turns out Rachel had accidentally written a swear word and Senora wouldn't tell us what it was. I, wanting to learn the language, asked her, a little too loudly, if it was bitch and everyone looked at me.
1. Swimming next week. Ewww. Hate swimming in school. I think it was put in the curriculum by pervy old gym teachers.
2. Swimming is evil...
1. Fell asleep. I had my math teacher as my driver's ed. teacher (classroom part) and when I fell asleep it brought me back to the good ole days of falling asleep in driver's ed. And the awesome simulator.
2. Test make-up pushed back. Praise whoever scheduled his meeting last minute.
1. Passed To Kill a Mockingbird test with flying colors. Was there ever any doubt? I think not.
2. Huge paper on To Kill a Mockingbird due Friday.
3. Watched part of the movie To Kill a Mockingbird.
1. Need to make-up lab by four.
2. Finished worksheets.
3. Turned red millions of times. Ugh. Some people are just evil. I am the most evil though, never forget it.
Plans for Tonight
1. volunteer at some church, serving food to those in the community who are not doing so well financially. Most of the people are old, but still have to work because they need the money.
2. Dad has surgery. Damn his back.
3. Get Jenna (sister) from Piano.
4. Teen Page Meeting
5. Homework
6. Sleep?
I really should be working, but we have a sub so I just told myself I deserve a free day. (Insert evil laugh here) I believe I shall do a merry jig in honor of you, George...*Twirls in a circle and blows up*

Monday, November 29, 2004


» A group of 4 to 8 year-olds was asked, "What does love mean?" The answers they gave were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined.»

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca - age 8»

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4»

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6»

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4»

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." Danny - age 7»

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday" Tina - age 7»

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." Tommy - age 6»

"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore. That's love." Cindy - age 8»

"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night." Clare - Age 5»

"Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken." Elaine - age 5»

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day." Mary Ann - age 4»

"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones." Lauren - age 4»

"I let my big sister pick on me because my Mom says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her." Bethany - age 4

Love is something that only the old and young seem to completely understand. We loose our deep knowledge as we grow, but eventually pick it up, just in time to share with the young. Funny world, ain't it?

Sunday, November 28, 2004

So I'm an awesome dancer!

George (The Perm), Gareth-more or less, and I had a dance competition online. I must say, I won. Don't care what they say, I won. It did get a little violent though...Oh well. Thought I'd share my talent of dancing with the world.


I am so f**king tired. I blame you Jenna! Errrrrrrr. Woke up at ten. That means I only got nine hours of sleep Jenna! I cannot survive on nine hours of sleep. Ahhhhh. And I look like crap today. Not my regular crappy look, crappier then crappy. Yeah, your fault Jenna! Oh well, I had fun talking last night.

If you need me, call me, no matter where you, no matter how far. La la la la, la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la. I am on a sugar high. Sweetarts are awesome. I didn't just get the roll kind, I got the big box kind-the kind they used to sell at theaters.

I may be getting sick. Since this may be happening, I am going to check my e-mail and go play Americas Army. Love that game. Anyone out there play it? If so, let me know, we could be on a team together or something. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Remember I am always right. When I rule the world, you'll want to be on my good side.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

So a guy walks into a bar...

Guess what everyone! Title of the post, yeah, has nothing to do with the post. Ha ha.

I am right. I am always right. Fear me. Suck up to me now while you still can. I shall be dictator of the world.

Jamie said our convo sounded like poetry. It's late. I'm going to paste it in here for you all to enjoy:

my brain is tired, but my body is not
jamie, you're like a poet, go you
did you like the move?
yes i did, did he?
he did

I am tired. It is late. I am going to bed. Nighty all.

Me and lots of socks! Posted by Hello


This is a post.
A post on my blog.
My blog is on blogger.
Blogger is on the net.
The net is accessed through my computer.
My computer is in a hutch.
I am in front of the computer.
Aren't I interesting?

Friday, November 26, 2004

I like pigs... Posted by Hello

And so it begins...

My boring week has officially begun. I feel asleep from 2 to around 4...4:30-whenever Jenna called. I was so groggy that I forgot I had been sleeping and told her that I hadn't. I was half-listening for a little bit then I decided to go wake up. Jenna and I got off the phone and I drank a coke. Then I finally...awoke? and called Jenna back. Anyway, this was the last interesting thing that happened.

After Jenna had to go I decided to finish Jamie's book The Lovely Bones, it was disappointing. Didn't like it too much. Some parts were better than others...general idea of a good part: switching bodies, having sex. You have to read the story. It gets so slow, you may not be able to make it to any of the interesting parts.

Got on computer. Here I will sit until it gets late, I get tired, and I decide to go watch The Terminal. The movie looks okay. Tom Hanks? I think that's who's in it. Yeah. He's not the best looking guy but I think he'd make a good husband. Seems like the kind of guy who'll make you laugh. That's important, way more important than looks.

  1. The Perm- I added you on msn. Don't be scared. I am not a random stalker.
  2. Jenna- My mom says you sound like a nice girl and you should come over.
  3. Carol- I stole your big pic for the top of your blog. It'll be posted in here any day now.
  4. Gareth- I'm too lazy to comment on your blog-That scooter thing had me laughing so hard.
  5. Rick- Teen page meeting? Need a ride?

Have fun with your weekends people!

Always listen to mother... Posted by Hello

Bear! Posted by Hello

My Day

Woke up at 4:45.
Got to Best Buy at 5:15.
Line was half-way around the building.
Got free coffee.
Starbucks people are nice.
Had mine black.
Kept hands warm.
Eyes awake.
Got in early.
Bought too much.
In line ten minutes.
Out the door at 6:06.
Decided to go to K-Mart.
Bratz dolls on sale.
Little sister likes Bratz dolls.
Bought two to be safe.
Will give one to a kid.
A kid on a tree.
Fell asleep when arrived home.
Woke up at 8:00.
Went back to Best Buy.
Half hour line.
Read a book.
The lovely bones I think.
Drove home on ice.
Because Dad was on drugs.
Sliding all over.
Trying to adjust.
Hate the snow.
Hate the ice.
Hate winter driving.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


Read about a dream Jenna had on her page so I thought I'd touch on the subject too.

I love dreaming. It makes me all fuzzy inside. I guess it makes you fuzzy inside if you're dreaming of the right person... Anyway, let's just say I fell asleep all nice and warm and "fuzzy" last night. Had the same recurring dream about this one guy who just sweeps me off my feet. I hate it when you wake up out of your dream world, the world is freezing, and your dad is shouting through the door "You have five minutes to get out of bed before I break down the door." It's such a cruel awakening.

Dream quotes I like are listed below:

To those who can dream there is no such place as faraway.
Dreams are only thoughts you didn't have time to think about during the day.
Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.
Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.
Anyone can escape into sleep, we are all geniuses when we dream, the butcher's the poet's equal there.
I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long.
For a dreamer, night's the only time of day.
We are near awakening when we dream that we dream.
Last night I dreamed I ate a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone.

I think we dream so that we can keep on living. If we were to go through life without imagining, we'd explode. For those of us who don't have the time to imagine during the day, we dream at night. We dream so that we can exist.

Thankful for...

Next year I told my parents that if we saw any homeless people or people asking for money we should have them some eat with us.

Next year I don't want to celebrate Thanksgiving at my house. I want to spend it at the mission or on the base serving the airmen.

Next year I want people to realize that Thanksgiving is a holiday to give thanks and think about all you have; it's not just a holiday for eating. The fat people made it that way.

I am thankful for:
  1. Kind family
  2. Roof over head
  3. Food on table
  4. This holiday is almost over
  5. Sales tomorrow! I'm waking up at 5:15 so I can get to Best Buy by 6:00am. Long lines suck, but sales are awesome.

This Christmas I am "adopting" a family at Viking school. I am also going with my mom to clean this lady's house. She and her husband are now the guardians of their three grandchildren(the kids mom died and the dad is out of the picture). The grandma said that she wishes she could have a maid for the day and a baby-sitter. So as a surprise, my mom, my mom's friend, and I are going to go clean her house and watch her kids while her and her husband go out. They don't have a lot of money so I'm going to tell them if they ever need a baby-sitter I'll do it for free. Life is about helping people out, and the sooner people realize it, the sooner they'll be happier.

My eyes have been so funky this holiday. I've been wearing my glasses everywhere. I am happy that no one, except old people who forgot stuff, are in the grocery stores and at blockbuster. I look like a librarian in my glasses, at least with my hair pulled back the was it was today.

Now, I am going to check people's blogs. Happy Holidays. Happy "Gobble" Day!

Looking sick

I had to go to the grocery store so many times the past two days to get my mom things she forgot. Here's a little story:

Sick people must give off a vibe
By: Stezie
I had stayed home from school because I was sick but this did not stop my mother from sending me and my dad, whose back has been killing him, to get groceries. We go, get the stuff, and check out. I end up bagging the groceries because their is never a bagger around when you need one. So I'm almost done, I have a Dr. Pepper and a small bottle of that bubbly, sparkling apple cider stuff, when a bag boy comes over and asks if he can take over. I just kind of looked at him, two things left and he shows up? I just mutter something and he asks if I want them left out or in the bag. I mutter both and he gets confused, so I reach across him, grab the Dr. Pepper and stick it in a bag and grab the apple stuff and hold it. Their are three bags in the cart. He then asks if I need any help. I resist the urge to say "I'm under forty, have two functioning legs, am in alright shape...I think I can handle it." I just told him no thanks, he told me to have a good day, and then he started to walk away. After taking three steps, he turns around and says "Have a happy gobble day!" Gobble day? What the hell? I then realized, I may have been sick, looking like crap, and had hair sticking up all over the place, but this guy was flirting with me. Sick people must give off a vibe.
The End

So today I was better. My grandma decided to come up for Thanksgiving a day early, so my mom suffered a minor heart attack getting the food and house ready. God answered my prayers, my uncle didn't come up. Food was great. I feel sick-full sick. I was mad that my grandma came up because the combination of her coming up and my dad throwing his back out meant that I couldn't go serve food at the mission. I am really tired and I need to go read other people's blogs so I leave you with this thought:

If a turtle looses its shell, is it homeless or naked?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Sick Nightmares

I had the worst dream last night. It was all Rachel's fault too. She told me on Mon(?) about almost getting a speeding ticket over the weekend so I feel asleep thinking about that. I've only had my liscence around six months so the idea of a ticket terrifys me-if I get one, I can't drive my parents told me-. So my dream more or less ended up with me getting a ticket, and I woke up crying(hey, I have no control over things I do in my sleep) and I had to tell myself it wasn't real because for about half an hour I thought it had been. Finally, around 3:30 am, I began to realize it was a dream.

I got up around 5:30 to get ready to go to school. I had to make up an English test I'd missed on Tuesday. As luck would have it, I was sick. So I spent most of the morning watching The Wedding Singer, which I have never seen (I feel asleep after whoever Drew played danced with the chubby boy, Saved by the Bell-I miss that show so much!-, and Roseanne. I am going back to bed now because I just got on to check my e-mail and take a break from the Lifetime movie. If I feel better later, I'll write more.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I am incapable of being loved because I am incapable of loving.

It's scary...

It's scary how devoted some ppl are to other ppl. Read this convo:
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary?-Me, Stezie
*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!!- My friend, Mike

Convo begins:
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
will u ever ask ***** out

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
yea prolly like tomorrow or sumthin
*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
jus wondering

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
u like her so much

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
yea i do
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
it's sweet

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
wut'd think she'll say

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
yes i hope

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
i think
*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
she will tho

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
that'd be sad if she didn't

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
i kno

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
i don't c y she wouldn't

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
i wouldent be able to handle it

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
seriously i would kill myself

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
don't say that

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
im serious

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
a girl isn;t worth killing urself
Are you
going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
shes everything to me
*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
she is worth it

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
ik she's everything to u, but no one is worth takin ur life for
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
some ppl have to get used to the idea

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
i think she is tho
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
wut if she said no, and then decided she did like u?

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
well then i would se her in heaven we could date then

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
u can't kill urself over wut a girl thinks
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
if everyone did that, no one would be left alive

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
yea i kno but i am verry sensitive and i dont think i could live with it

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
if for some odd reason she does say no, I am coming to ur house and going to make sure u don't do anything to hurt urself

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
ok as long as u help me

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
because i wouldent want to hurt ne 1

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
i'd be so sad if u killed urself, so would lots of ppl

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:

...Really personal information exchanged here
*Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
im sure she doesn't want u 2 kill urself
Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
even if she does just like u as a friend
*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
if ***** does say no, you can always talk to me-just don't do nething to hurt urself'

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
ok i wont

Are you going to kiss me or am I going to have to lie to my diary? says:
thx u

*mike* i wish she could just see how much she means to me!! says:
no prolem

I wish that people didn't get so worked up over high school relationships. Mike is so full of life and I can't imagine our school without him. Of all the things to kill urself over, a girl? It's sad. He likes her so much and right now she is his breath. I don't want her to say no, because Mike is sweet even though he is a little "committed", but I don't want him to become dependent on her and her feeling like she can't break up with him because he'll kill himself. High school relationships are dumb. People are dumb.

One more pic Posted by Hello

Modern Day Fairy Tale Posted by Hello

Vegetarian humor Posted by Hello


The meeting was okay. Everyone was laughing because I asked one of the servers if they could get me a plate with not chicken. TaJanna said I should just remove the chicken, but I calmly explained to her I did not want to eat the juices of cruelty in my rice. They all laughed. Stupid junior boys from some place kept talking to me. I kept walking away. Guys are so strange. They don't get the hint. Oh well. I am very tired but thought I should post. I have oodles of homework to do since I missed school, so I'll do my best to write more later today, or tomorrow. Thank you and good-night!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Hyper Monday

I woke up this morning bouncing off the walls. It was scary. Here is an overview of my whole day so far:

Spanish- Got yelled at by Senora because I was cheering and saying Ole, when people answered things wrong. I was motivating them and she threatened to call my dad. She can go ahead and call him, he hates her as much as I do.

Gym- Lost all my badmitten(sp? is this even the right word?) games because I was dancing around. Eventually I went and kept track of a game between Kyle and Steph. I just would randomly run in, throw birdies in, or mess up the score. Steph and I couldn't stop laughing. Then someone threw Bojan's shoe in the locker room so I wore that to geometry while he followed me, trying to get it back.

Geometry- Nothing happened to much in here. I would randomly start laughing and whenever Bojan turned around I'd have to cough back my laughter.

English- We were reviewing for a test, so I didn't have time to be an idiot. I made up for it in the following hour though.

Chemistry- I really shouldn't be partners with Danika. We laugh over the stupidest stuff. I accidentally got water on Austin and Will's laptop (they sat at the lab across from us, because their opposite lab ppl were somewhere else). Danika and I kept stealing their answers-I think I'm a bad influence on her- and it was really funny. Will was all up-tight. Then he started playing with his water bottle and it sounded really annoying, and I tried to hold the feeling in, but I grabbed his water bottle and threw it to the floor. By the end of chemistry I started writing a story in Spanish for Danika. It was about a cat, Pierre, and a dog, Will, having sexo en el banco. I gave it as a present to Danika because she helped with the Spanish. So did Will, put I made him a dog, so I didn't feel like I owed him anything.

Lunch- Hannah's cousin, Angus, from Australia was here. Luckily for him he wasn't the only guy at the table. Everyone was coming over and talking to him and treating him like an alien. Bethany didn't think he spoke English at first so she was talking loudly and slowly. We were all rolling and she was so confused.

This class- BORING. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Radio is playing. I actually got most of my work done... Next hour should be boring.

Things to Come:
  1. FCCLA meeting after school-discussing the district meeting tomorrow
  2. Missing school tomorrow for FCCLA district meeting, which means I'll be missing English, Math, and Spanish tests. I hate make-up work.
  3. Three-day week. Thank you Thanksgiving pilgrims. I love you all.
  4. Thanksgiving=Family coming up=trying to fix everything-food, house=HELL.

Interesting fact. Did you know that many historians believe that they didn't have meat at the first Thanksgiving? I think that's awesome. I'm making special stuffing. I have to bake it, not stuff it up the ass of a dead animal, and substitute some of the things in it. It's awesome. I made some last year. The thing I hated last year, not considering my Uncle was at our house, was that everyone was telling me to take a day off of being a vegetarian. It doesn't work like that people! Ugh, the uneducated annoy me.

I want to make this really hard to read. I hate it when people do this, so I'm doing it. I'm also making it pink, to add to the eye-straining pain. Ha ha. They only had purple so I picked a light one. Hope this works.

"I couldn't tell you why she felt that way, She felt it everyday. And I couldn't help her, I just watched her make the same mistakes again."

Do you ever feel like breaking down?Do you ever feel out of place?Like somehow you just don't belong And no one understands you Do you ever wanna runaway?Do you lock yourself in your room?With the radio on turned up so loud That no one hears you screaming. No you don't know what it's like When nothing feels all right You don't know what it's like To be like me To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked when you're down To feel like you've been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one's there to save you No you don't know what it's like Welcome to my life Do you wanna be somebody else?Are you sick of feeling so left out?Are you desperate to find something more?Before your life is over Are you stuck inside a world you hate?Are you sick of everyone around?With their big fake smiles and stupid lies While deep inside you're bleeding No you don't know what it's like When nothing feels all right You don't know what it's like To be like met To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked when you're down To feel like you've been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one's there to save you No you don't know what it's like Welcome to my life No one ever lied straight to your face No one ever stabbed you in the back You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay Everybody always gave you what you wanted Never had to work it was always there You don't know what it's like, what it's like To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked when you're down To feel like you've been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one's there to save you No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked when you're down To feel like you've been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one's there to save you No you don't know what it's like Welcome to my life Welcome to my life Welcome to my life

Love that song-and the one song I took one line from- and I wanted to waste space and see if I could read it. Thank you...and good-night. America thanks you!

One more thing. I made this quiz thing and sent it to my friends. Someone took it with the name "Your a Bitch", I knew who it was right away. I laughed. It was Ryan-I called his gf a whore and some stuff while she was right next to him-he used the wrong your. Should have been---you're. Oh well. He must have forgot that his last name was in the e-mail address and I can read that. I had a good laugh. I'm hungry, so thank you and good-night. America LOVES you!

Sunday, November 21, 2004


I've been doing a lot of thinking about people getting married lately. I have decided that I will never get married. Not because I'm ugly or any of that, but because I don't want to get a divorce. I know they have that whole "It's better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all," crap, but I don't agree with...don't want to rhyme.

Another reason I will never be married is because I cannot imagine the idea of sleeping with one person and one person alone. Last year Ryan and Joey told me I'm going to be this mega-slut when I grow up. I just don't like the idea of being tied down to one person. The fact that I referred to it as being tied down should tell you something in itself. I think that it's really funny that Ryan plans to stay a virgin until he's married and I'm like,"I'm not going to get married, so why stay a virgin". You have to understand that Ryan is one of horniest guys I know. He is on this whole "Sara is evil" thing because I told him his girlfriend was whore and that she wasn't as easy as he said she was, while she was standing next to him. I'm not that big a bit**, but he hurt one of my friends, so I was like "He's going down."

Anyway, why be married? I guess that marriage has some benefits, but none that make me want to stay with one guy forever. Maybe I just haven't meet him, but I don't think that it'll happen. Marriage is strange and you have to work at it. I don't like working at relationships. It's too much work.


I'm allowed back on the computer! Yeah! I missed you all. I tried keeping a diary this past week, but it didn't work. Mostly because I had to write it and I couldn't express my real feelings. The reason I couldn't express how I felt was that if I had written it down, my parents had found it, then I'd most likely have to see a shrink.

I wouldn't mind seeing a shrink-I want to be a psychologist when I "grow up"-but it's pretty expensive. I'll just talk to my counselor about my problems. She's better anyway; she always has chocolate!

Where should I start? It feels weird typing this at home. Yesterday I was confirmed. I was so bored during the three hour long ceremony. I started to fall asleep so I bowed my head, closed my eyes, and put my hands in a "praying position". I felt a lot better after that. They put some oil crap on my face and I kept joking that if I had an allergic reaction I'd be walking around with a red cross on my head. We drove through McDonald's after that. Our "celebration that we're part of the church" dinner. Today we got twenty dollars because yesterday we (my brother and me) kept saying what is this for?, what is this worth?, and today, we found out.

Friday I went bowling with FCCLA. It was okay. I didn't bowl (never really do) and neither did Nicole. Mrs. Winkler, Bethany, and Bethany's friend bowled. Bethany was really good considering the fact she's pregnant. We joked that the ball and her stomach canceled each other out. About an hour into it, Tajanna, Stef, and Rachel C.T. came. They had gotten their hair done (I hate it when people do that) Tajanna had hers fixed, she had attempted to do something with it the weekend before and it had left her with yellow spots all over her head, Stef died hers darker, it's brown, not dirty blonde-I don't care what she says, and Rachel just had hers styled.

I don't really like Rachel. She asks one question after the next and some of them are really rude. About ten times during bowling I wanted to grab a bowling ball and drop it over her head. I can feel very violent at times. I need to work on that. I'm in this class that teaches you these seven habits you need to succeed. One of them states "Be proactive, not reactive." That statement, and the fact I may have went to jail, caused me to smile and act like I liked her.

I'm going to make lunch to take to school for about the first time in three or so years. I'm making my veggie wraps. I love them so much. I'm only making lunch because I've been spending more than I should in my account, and if I don't not eat a day or two, my mom will flip when I ask for more money. I tried not eat once last week, but my stomach kept shouting these loud protests. I caved in.

Well, I'm going to check my e-mail now. Yeah! So, I'll be writing soon! If only I had more to write about...

Friday, November 19, 2004

Guess What?

I am going to break this keyboard over somebody's head. Only because this class is boring me. My back hurts, but I did get a chance to update the blog. I am still incredibly bored. My back hurts. I need a massage. I am also mad because since I didn't get to school until 8:35 I had to park in Apollo, the far-away parking lot. Ugh.

Guy or Girl

(This general idea was taken from one of Inari's posts) What is easier to be? A girl or a guy. I think it's a guy, and many agree with me, for many purposes. To put it simply, guys don't have to deal with half of the things girls do. One thing I like about guys is that they don't get in petty fights. Guys have this whole "say nothing, ask nothing" thing going on with other guys.

Things I hate about girls. Girls are so fu**ing annoying. I hate how girls are so sentimental and they take everything to heart. Not to name any names but...coughcoughRachel. Me and this...friend...always joke around. I always make fun of her flaws, and she, mine, but I don't care what she does. Since I don't care she feels like all I'm doing is attacking her, I think she needs to get the stick out of her butt and realize I'm just being me. No matter how bitchy the comments may seem, she needs to realize that I don't mean them. Well, most of them. Some of the stuff about her body compared to most girls is accurate, but the other stuff...I don't mean.

Guys are much more laid back then girls and they don't read into things. It's easier, and better, I think, to be a guy.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Hit the little comment button and let me know what you think, if you do.


I've been looking at my blog and I really need to put some pictures up. Unfortunately, I am grounded from the computer at home, so I really can't act on this feeling until Sunday. Opps, forgot to mention that since I've been so nice and non-complaining, the grounding went down a week. I'll be in contact with friends soon! Yes! I've been allowed on three times:
  1. To send a thank-you to the person who gave the Incubus tickets to the Teen Page
  2. To take an online Chemistry quiz
  3. To see if my grade was up from the Chemistry quiz-it wasn't

Speaking of Chemistry. I signed up for a tutor. Had to talk to my counselor about this. I felt like a quitter but it was something I needed to do. Chances are I won't get one until third quarter.

My counselor is really nice. It kind of scares me. Last year my mom talked to her about my health-I get very sick and weak in seconds sometimes, and I've fainted- and since then, she'll call me in to "chat" about my health. This time I actually had something to say because we've been having my blood tested. So far, I don't have some hundreds of diseases. I don't like the guy who took over, my doctor was sent to Iraq-I go to an Air Base doctor-, so the guy who took over looks like a kid. He scares me. The first time I saw him I wanted to ask if he was in my chemistry class.

This is all I can think about to ramble on...Nope, thought of something else. Yesterday, after school, I was in one of those annoying, giggly girl, moods. I got all giggly, hyper, and couldn't stop smiling. Crazy thing is it happened after talking to this one guy friend of mine...Hmmm. I don't think I like him. That sounds strange-either you know, or you don't know...right? I am so confused. I don't really think of him romantically, but whenever I'm around him all my problems float away and I can't stop smiling. He's just a friend. Just a friend.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Post 102

I missed the date of my 100th post! Gasp!

I am so tired. I am sick of trying to re-locate everything that was on this site. I am going to friend's sites and seeing if I had any of the things they have. I have decided not to put on another guestmap. I don't see the point now that it is deleted. (Sigh) I am trying to find the little message board thing, but alas, no luck.

I have started a new story! I was so proud. I have been in a shlump for the past two months. I took a writing camp this summer where I worked very hard, night and day, on my novel, and then I just left it. I am working on editing that novel, Just my Luck, and have started on a new one, Falling for a Nerd. I think that when I am done, both will turn out okay. Since I just started Falling for a Nerd I only have around fifteen pages so I find myself in class writing instead of working. My math teacher called on me as I was working on this story and asked me to answer this question. I had no idea, he had been explaining a new concept, so I just guessed. I got it on my second try. Again, I am so proud.

Time had stopped!!! In our school, the clocks stop occasionally to fall back to the real time and the clock in this room has been stopped for about two minutes. I feel so lost. What time is it? Awww! Thank goodness! It just started again, life is okay.

Last night, being the geek that I am, I planned out all the classes I want and plan to take in the next two years. Unfortunately their were not enough hours in the day to take all the classes I wanted. I can only take seven credits-seven hours. I managed to get seven credits for one year and seven and a half for another year. I still need to get the 1/2 credit away. I'll talk to my counselor tomorrow. Till then.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Losing it

I have officially snapped. It happened yesterday around 3:49 p.m. Want the full story on my sad, pathetic life? Continue to the following paragraph.

Yesterday I had to bring my brother to a dentist appointment so I dropped off the two people I always drop off and then headed to Viking elementary school where my mom works and he (my brother) was supposed to meet me there. Bad thing number one happen. He was late. I hate it when people are late. It's my biggest pet peeve. I am always early unless something drastic comes up. So I yelled at him for being late and drove off.

Not a minute later did bad thing number two happen. Boys spit. It's strange, it something they just do. I'll never understand it. Since we were on a road with cars all around I didn't let him spit out the window so he spit in my car. Twice. I yelled at him for this. I love my car. I hate spit. You get the picture.

After all this, still I was driving him to his dentist appointment, he felt that swearing and annoying me would help. Ugh. I turned the music up almost as loud as I could. He got out and I told him to go in and he asked if I was going to leave. I told him to get the fuck out of my car and once he was in I just started crying.

You know those cheesy movies where something bad happens and the person puts their head on the steering wheel and cries? Well, I was doing it instead of some B list actress. I felt so stupid. If you are planning on crying in your car any time soon, the steering wheel is actually a comfortable place to rest your head. I was surprised that I was so weepy. I cannot remember the last time I cried. Scratch that. It was the about a week before Halloween-over a stupid guy... After this I felt like crap and I need something to boost my spirits so I drove to my favorite place in the world...

McDonald's. I can eat and drive now! I am so proud. I have mastered this wonderful and useful technique. So I drove back to get Michael, my brother, and he was walking and he had the nerve to smirk at me. So I called my mom, told her Michael was walking home and being an ass, and then went home.

Surprisingly things got worse. I do not have the time or patience to go into detail of what happened. I don't know why I was surprised that my day ended like crap. The whole day had been crap. With the blog "deleting" itself, dropping papers in water, dropping my cell phone, my powder cover-up "exploded" in my purse, failed a quiz, found out that a certain person I cannot stand...has a "thing" for me. So my day was crap.

Luckily today is better. I think God felt sorry for me and is showing me mercy today. I have had an alright day. Though Will told me I was a bad liar when I said that I was good-He asked me how I was- and that did make me feel worse. I was thinking deep thoughts and I tend to get red, white, or dazed when I think about certain things. It's just what happens. I don't know why, but I was a little insulted.

I am so tired. Recollecting yesterday's events has really worn me out. I feel exhausted. I think I'll sleep next hour. I think I NEED TO SLEEP next hour or I will fall apart.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Incubus was alright. I didn't like the opening act people very much. The lead singer of The Music, the opening act, made me laugh when he did this weird dancing thing. One thing I'll say for Incubus is that they are just as good live as they are on their CD/radio. I did have fun though. I liked the people who went crowd surfing. The security people would grab their feet and pull them off as soon as they could. It made me laugh.

I am understanding chemistry. I was so happy I started to do a little dance until Michaela started laughing. I was so excited. I taught Michaela and Danika to do the equations. I don't remember what they are called, all I know is that I can do it!

Okay...Everything on this blog just deleted. I had to go to the template and choose a "new" one. Now I have to add all my links, the how I'm feeling dude, and the scrolly commenty thing again. Hopefully it'll be normal again by this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed. I may need you to remind me of your URL if I don't already have it up. Just comment it. Thx.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Why have you deserted us so?

I did not post yesterday because starting yesterday, I am grounded from the computer for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. I'm writing this at school. Thank goodness for this or I'd cry. I'm thinking of friend's houses that I can go to to check e-mail. I need to be connected! Aggg.

The concert is tonight and I don't want to go. Greg is supposed to give me his extra ticket so I can invite Rachel. I don't know if she can even go. He's waited this long to give me the ticket. He thought he'd give it to a friend. Excuse me why I go laugh. Anyway, if Rachel can't go I am going to invite someone else. I'm supposed to like approve it with him or something, but screw that. The other person I'd ask really likes Greg and I don't think he likes her as a person, so... Oh well. Greg annoys me sometimes, so it'd be perfect revenge. My brother almost didn't get tickets because his girlfriend wanted to be on the floor, but it was sold out. Instead they're sitting and they WILL be there. I have this feeling something is going to go wrong. I don't want to go because of it, but I'm paranoid.

I spent most of Sunday cooking. It was really fun. I made these awesome veggie wraps and some dish for my family. I get most of my recipes from I really like cooking. I don't know why, but recently I find that when I am agitated, I go to the kitchen. I go to the kitchen not to eat, but cook. I may have a problem...

Saturday, November 13, 2004

As if I weren't bored enough

* Name: Sara
* Nicknames: none really,
* Screen name: Stezie
* Birthday: December 11
* Age: why must everything be measured in time?
* Weight: Who put this question on here?
* Astrological sign: Sagittarius
* Chinese zodiac: Dragon
* Location: North Dakota, USA
* Status: Single
* Eye color: depends on my mood
* Height: 5'6
* Shoe size: 9 1/2
* Parents still together: Yep
* Siblings: 1 brother, 1 sister
* Nieces/nephews: nope
* Kids of your own: nope
* Grandkids: think about it, no kids means...
* Pets: 1 dog-Digby
* Education: 10th grade
* Rent, lease, or own your home: Live with parents
* Have any credit cards: No, I got a debit card tho
* What do you drive: 1995 Honda Accord, don't recall the color
* Color: blue
* Number: don't have one
* Animal: um...don't really have one of these either
* Vehicle: baby blue mustang
* Flower: rose
* Scent: don't have one
* Shape: star
* Drink: soda
* Soda: dr. pepper.
* Book: too many
* Band: too many
* Song: too many
* Food: french fries
* Color your hair: yep
* Twirl your hair: sometimes
* Have tattoos: no, wish i did
* Piercings: yep
* Cheat on tests/homework: depends on class
* Drink/smoke: nope
* Like roller coasters: Duh
* Wish you could live somewhere else: some of the time
* Want more piercings: yep
* Like cleaning: who does?
* Write in cursive or print: print
* Carry a donor card: nope
* Swear a lot: I have a very dirty mouth
* Own a web cam: no
* Know how to drive: yep
* Diet: no
* Own a cell phone: currently, i own 2
* Ever get off the damn computer: yep
* Habla espanol: Si, plus it should be Hablas because you are asking if I do, which means do you speak spanish, you asked does he/she/you-formal speak spanish, I like to feel that we are friends and you are comfortable enough with me to use the tu form-otherwise known as the familiar you form, but si, hablo espanol
* Do drugs: no
* Have a dream that keeps coming back: yep
* Play an instrument: yep
* Believe there is life on other planets: it's not aliens, they are microscopic bug things, but yep
* Remember your first love: yep, first grade, name was Patrick
* Still love him/her: he live in England and moved in 2nd, so no
* Read the newspaper: of course
* Have any homosexual friends: yep
* Believe in miracles: i like to
* Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: depends on who you are
* Consider yourself tolerant of others: most of the time
* Consider love a mistake: No
* Have a favorite candy: chocolate or sweetarts
* Do well in school: not anymore
* Go to or plan to go to college: plan to
*Wear hats: yep
* Hate yourself: sometimes
* Have an obsession: no
* Have a secret crush: yesh
* Do they know yet: nope
* Collect anything: books
* Have a best friend: I have many good friends, best is so singular
* Close friends: many, too many to list.
* Like your handwriting: oh my gosh no!
* Care about looks: depends on how I feel when I wake up
* Gotten a speeding ticket: Nope
* Gotten a DUI: Nope
* Been in a wreck: Never
* Been arrested: no
* Been in a fist fight: no
* Kicked someone in the nuts: lol, it was an accident
* Stolen anything: when I was younger
* Held a gun: yeah
* Drank alcohol: no
* Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name: no
* Considered a life of crime: no
* Considered being a hooker: no
* Cried over a girl: no
* Cried over a guy: once or twice
* Lied to someone: I'm not perfect
* Been in love: once or twice
* Fallen for your best friend? no
* Made out with someone who was just a friend: no
* Been rejected: yep
* Used someone: No
* Been used: dont know
* Been kissed: yep
* Mood: tired
* Music: welcome to my life-Simple Plan
* Taste: none
* Hair: long
* Annoyance: arby's smell over powering the room
* Smell: see annoyance
* Thing you ought to be doing: homework
* Windows open: nope
* Desktop picture: none
* Book: to kill a mockingbird
* CD in stereo: listen to radio
* Crush: should I say? no
* Favorite celeb: don't have one
* Hate: not feeling in control
* Job: ha ha-good one!
* Book you read: to kill a mockingbird
.* Movie you saw: Stepford Wives-rented last nite
* Thing you ate: leftover pizza
* Person you talked to on the phone: Georgia
* First crush:Patrick
* First kiss: firdt kiss ever? 3rd grade-kid named Austin
* Single or attached: Single
* Ever been in love: once or twice
* Do you believe in love at first sight: no-love is blind-lol
* Do you believe in "the one": sometimes
* Describe your ideal significant other: um...funny, understanding, good-listener, isn't controlled by hormones


Went bowling with friends last night. I didn't want to, but Georgia guilted me into going. I hung out at Georgia's for an hour before we went because I had nothing better to do. I tried to convince her to wear this really ugly shirt, but she was too smart for me. Anyway...

Got to the bowling alley and low and behold it, it was really boring. The people who were there were: Hannah, Haley, Megan, Ashley, Leann and Tony, Carly and Ryan, Georgia, and me. So the only people who bowled were (Carly and Ryan) and (Leann and Tony). So the rest of us just talked and then Ashley's ex-b came and I went and had a couple words with that loser. That was fun. After I was done talking to him I saw Ryan, his sister Sarah, and some of Sarah's friends. So I just hung out with them.

Ryan is really funny so I actually started to have a good time, until Evan came around. Evan is Ryan (Carly's bf's brother) and he works at the bowling alley, so he came around getting people's money-ppl who were bowling. Moving on, Evan recognized me from this other time from the bowling alley and some other things-where I had been a bit hyper and maybe flirtacious, so he started talking to me and I was cringing the whole time. Luckily he left to go flirt with some old lady.

We (Georgia and I) ended calling Greg around 10:45 to see if he wanted to come bowling (we had called earlier, but his mom said he'd be home at 10:30) and he didn't come. Turns out he's trying to wing an interview with Incubus, which would be awesome, so in addition to bowling we talked about the concert and who he should give his extra ticket to.

Left shortly after that and dropped Georgia off. We were going to watch Jersey Girl, but I was really tired so I just went home. I got home around 12:15 and Michael and his friend Cj were downstairs playing video games. I think they stayed up all night because when I woke up they were still playing and everything looked the same.

I really wanted to go to this craft-show thing, but my parents left while I was in the shower, so what can you do? Now I am on the computer trying to think of something to do that'll pass time. So far, very fun ideas have crossed my mind. I'll most likely end up playing with my phone-Turns out Ryan's phone is pretty close to mine- and then I'll eat, and go to sleep. I should probably get on the treadmill, but I am deprived of sleep, so it won't happen. Oh well. More later---maybe even an annoying questionnaire...

Friday, November 12, 2004


I am feeling loved thanks to all who commented to the following post.

I am having second thoughts about the Incubus concert. Am I giving you a ride Rick? You haven't been online and I'm not concerned enough to call. Reasons for having seconds thoughts?
  1. Nothing to wear. Must go shopping.
  2. Turns out my brother is going. I may not see him, but if I do, chances of fun will shrink. My brother lives for ruining things for me.
  3. Um...I'll think of a three.

I know you love me...

Since you all love me so much I have decided that you can prove it in a way that will benefit both me Everyone who comes to this site should tell all their friends about how cool it is and if they need to they can lie and add whatever info they feel they must so people come. I want more visitors. (tear tear*) How sad. I'm going to go play with my phone again. Tootles.

Camera Phone

I own a camera phone! I didn't post because I went to Fargo because of the veteran's day holiday. While in Fargo I spent over seven hours shopping and I only got a pair of pants, a pair of shoes, and a CAMERA PHONE!! I feel so special. Now I won't have any more of those "I wish I had a camera" moments. This is going to be short because I am playing with this new phone and figuring out how everything works. I'll write later.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Errrr. Had to walk in gym all hour. It sucked. At the end of gym I walked with Kyle and we talked about racing cars cars. It was fun.

I am really cold, tired, and hungry. Errrr. People better not piss me off.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


I got a ticket to see Incubus. Sam won two and didn't want to go, so he gave both me and Rick one. I am so pumped. I cannot stop smiling. Think of what I'd be doing on mon. if I didn't have the ticket...nothing! This lucky twist of fate is all thanks to the Teen Page!!!

Teen Page Meeting

I have no life. While writing this post, I am making mac & cheese. I have a teen page meeting and although Paulette said that twelve people "R.S.V.P"ed I am guessing, figuring, that less will show up.

I have a headache. Yelling at people because they didn't do their chores correctly will do that to you. I yelled at my little sis and bro because they don't know how to do anything right and because I had to spend an hour fixing their mistakes. Now, I am just an angry blogger who has a headache and no tolerance.

We just started "To Kill a Mockingbird" in English today. I wanted to read it some years back, but I had lost it.

I am trying to decide to have a party. The occasion? This girl that I hate, Kayla, is transferring over to another high school. If I do have a party, fellow Kayla-hatters are invited. Yesssssss!!!

I am really proud that I posted again. GO ME!!!

Final Thought: I ROCK!!!


I'm posting. Go me! Don't feel like posting, but I AM!!!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Recap of days gone

Swimming was alright. I spent most of the time talking with Amy or Georgia and trying not to get my hair wet. I had to leave early to baby-sit so I didn't have to pretend to be having an awesome time for long.

I am tired. Think I'll sleep for the remainder of class...

Sunday, November 07, 2004


I am really bored. Got over-paid for baby-sitting last night. Made veggie tacos for lunch. Going to go swimming in an hour. I may just go and sit and talk to people. I really don't want to swim. I have to leave early anyway to go baby-sit for another girl. I am so nice.

Final Thought: Short guys are really weird (see rules) especially if their name is Heath.

Saturday, November 06, 2004


Stupid will not let me add a poem because it exceeds 20 lines. It only exceeds that because the side length is really short and some of the words have to go to the next line. It irritates me. Tell me what you think of the poem. It is a work in progress, but I like it so far:

I decided to post it at this new site because it allows people to view it and critique it. I'd rather somebody tell me what's wrong or they don't like about my poem than what they like about it.

Weekend Plans

Went out with friends last night. Went tail-gating today for Souix football. Have to baby-sit tonight. Have to baby-sit tomorrow. Going to Rachel's belated B-day party. As much as I love Rachel, I don't really want to go. We're going to go swimming and I hate the way I look in a swimsuit--mostly because all my friends are smaller than me. Oh well, what can it hurt?

Friday, November 05, 2004

Rachel's Big Brawl

My friend Rachel got a black eye. Want to know how? She was fighting with her brother in the car (she was kicking his seat) and somehow she managed to kick herself in the eye. This is something only Rachel could do. I do not think I could do this even if I tried...

Testing 1 2 3

I'm trying out this theory: The shorter the guy, the greater the risk he runs of being a geek. I have multiple people and so far the theory has not been disproved. I added one thing though, ...being a geek, unless he is shorter than 5 feet, then the shorter he gets, the cooler.

Reason I have this theory? Leann is trying to set me up with this guy. She went on about how hot, funny, smart, and other crap he was, then she told me. He's 5'4. I am about 5'6 if not a 1/2 inch taller! 5'4 doesn't work. I don't like short guys. Once they get so short they no longer are starring at your face... Anyway, short guys give me the creeps, unless, here comes the add on part, they are under 5 feet. Then they are just cute.

Final Thought: I really need to get a life or a boyfriend.
Final Thought2: I have no life if I come up with theories like this...


Balance the following equation: Stezie + Chemistry(Enriched)2 =
a. Failing
b. Should not be combined
c. Results catastrophic
d. All of the above

I actually know the answer! D! Why couldn't I have been that smart on my chemistry test???

Thursday, November 04, 2004

McBucks and Church

I got some McBucks-ha-ha-for burning CD's for this teacher friend of my mom's. She always give me gift certificates and stuff like that. This time I got McDonald's bucks. I was excited! I love McDonald's.

I went to church last night because I'm getting confirmed soon. That's when I become "part of the church". I had to go confess my sins. I felt so evil confessing sins to the Father guy. The last time I confessed my sins was in third grade when I had to so I could receive communion. The first time I did it I had to see the guy, I waited in line for ten minutes last night so I wouldn't have to look the guy in the eye. I had no idea what I was doing. It was embarrassing.

Took part 1 of chemistry test today. I think I did okay. I am one of those people who thinks that they do great, and then find out they failed. I know I got the last one right and I also know that Will got it wrong, so I felt really smart.

Hannah and Kayla took caffeine pills so we spent the entire lunch laughing our asses off and getting stared at. Once people around me get hyper, I become really hyper too. Right now I am so antsy and jittery. Tianna asked me what I was on and I started to laugh really hard. I laughed so hard that a couple of tears ran down my cheek; she keeps looking over here to make sure I'm not going to jump away or something.

I am going to go go go. lol, I am so funny. Reminds me of what a weird mood I was in last night. I started telling people my secrets and falling apart, then I went to church, cam home, finished/started homework, and then finally went to bed a 1 a.m.

Gym was really fun for once. Amanda, Leann, and I were pretending to shoot basketballs from the half-court line when in reality we were trying to hit this girl Kayla. She is really annoying and tries be all chummy. She is strange. The funny part is we never managed to get her but we hit Kyle like five times. We just kept getting in the way. I had to sit down because my stomach hurt since we were laughing so hard. Kyle thought we were trying to hit him and he kept moving every time we took one step. Then he came up and asked me why I was hitting him. I politely pointed out that I hit him once, Amanda had hit him all the other times. He still looked at me funny. Leann then formed this stupid theory that I am not even going to write here, because it was so untrue.

Final Thought: When one door closes, another door opens. Some people spend too much time looking at the door that has just closed that they miss the open one. Look ahead.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush Wins

Bush won! Thousands of angry bloggers are writing their hearts with anguish. (Insert evil laugh)

Final Thought: Hug a Bush.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Still Time, lol

Five hours and eight minutes, lol.

Voting Day

Today is election day! Millions of people are quivering with anticipation. I hope that the right man wins...

I don't have too much time to write. I am trying to think of something interesting to write...hum....

Nine hours and forty-five minutes left!!!

I have a Spanish Club meeting after school. It should be fun. We're making skulls in honor of Day of the Dead. I hate one of the supervisors, but what can you do. I have an FCCLA meeting tomorrow. That'll be really fun. That'll be much more fun than the Spanish Club meeting. Unfortunately, they don't have any cute guys in FCCLA, I can't say the same for Spanish Club. For some reason lots of cute, eligible guys are in Spanish. Me gusta guapos chicos en espanol.

That is it. This terribly boring post has ended (Thank God). You may now breath a sigh of relief. I'm going to go to one of these poetry websites and add some more poems. Toddles!


Monday, November 01, 2004

Political Cartoons

I love political cartoons. This one leaves me wondering a little more than I would like to be though...


Vote Tomorrow!

I don't want to sway anyone and I am not trying to say that one candidate is better than the other, all I want to say is that if you are able to vote, do so. Please take advantage of this constitutional right and encourage all the people you know to vote. If you don't vote you do not have the right to critize our president or his actions. I just want everyone to get out there and exercise their right to vote. Their has been one small change that I feel I must share with you all: Republicans will vote on November 2nd and Democrats will vote on November 3rd.

Final Thought: God Bless America

Recap and Forward

Recap to Halloween. Had a great time. Wish I had had plans though. Spent part of the day talking with Cody about my lack of plans. He said he was surprised because he thinks I have a lot of friends. Guys can be so sweet sometimes and not even know it. Today he told me to hurry up and get my fries (at lunch), so it comes and it goes. Moving on--I ate so much food and candy on Halloween. My dad got back from Dallas and he asked me if I put on weight. I was so insulted. My mom and him told me I really need to start running again-ugh!-and I blame it on Rick who started me on this destructive cycle!

Forward to this weekend. Leann, her boyfriend Tony, Kayla, me, and some 21-year-old guy are going to "The Grudge", provided that Leann doesn't piss her pants before then:) She is so scared. Carly tried to tell her it isn't scary but Ryan kept on about how scary it was. All this talk of scary movies brought us to the topic of..."Why do guys think that girls are easier when they're scared?". If any guy out there would like to enlighten me, feel free. Personally, I'm not all like "I'm so scared, I want to have sex to calm down!" and I don't know anyone who is like that. This is just me trying to disprove that wrong message.

33 hours until I give up on Pierre. I am giving him until 10 p.m. just so I have a little bigger time frame. SEND ME A SIGN PIERRE! ANY SIGN WILL DO! Maybe putting those words in caps will transfer them to Pierre's brain, maybe not, but it makes me feel better.

Final Thought: It is better to have loved and lost, then have never loved.--What moron came up with this? Personally, I'd rather day-dream about someone and wonder what could have happened, then have some stupid person break my heart and gain ten pounds in "emotional weight".

Word of the Day- emotional weight-N. Weight put on by eating emotions, the excess weight that you put on when you sought food to feel your empty void...Her emotional weight was getting out of hand.